CRT: It’s Poisonous, Left-Wing Bigotry, Plain and Simple

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Surge Summary: Left wing bigots pushing “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) are trying to indoctrinate Americans – particularly America’s children – to fight racism by becoming racists. This must be resisted no matter the cost.

by Gary Bauer

CRT Strikes Again

The struggle for racial reconciliation in America will go on for a long time.  It is imperative that justice prevails.  But it is important that you understand what is going on and how this battle is being waged.

The left has twisted the central message of Martin Luther King, Jr.  He believed that all races are equal because they are made in the image of God, and that it is unacceptable to judge people based on the color of their skin.  Instead, we should be judged by the content of our character.

In the name of fighting racism, the left is demanding the right to teach our children that all whites are oppressors.  They claim white people were historically oppressors, that they are oppressors now and that they are genetically born to be oppressors because of the color of their skin.

These left-wing bigots are teaching white children that they are bigots and must be reeducated.  That’s critical race theory, and it must be defeated if we want to achieve racial reconciliation in America.

When Governor Kevin Stitt signed legislation banning critical race theory in Oklahoma’s schools, he was kicked off a commission planning events to memorialize the centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre.

When a commanding officer of the Space Force had the audacity to warn that critical race theory and Marxism were being pushed in the military, he was fired over the weekend.

This is not a battle for “sunshine patriots.”  You must be all in.  Or you must be prepared to lose all of the country.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge

Originally Posted here.

Gary Lee Bauer is an American politician and activist, who served in the Reagan administration. He later became president of the Family Research Council and a senior vice president of Focus on the Family. In 2000, he participated in the Republican presidential contest.

Image: Adapted from: David from Washington, DC – _25A6215, CC BY 2.0,

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