President Joe Biden is not planning to prioritize thousands of American citizens stranded in evacuations from Afghanistan, as the country falls similar to that of the Fall of Saigon in 1975, over Afghan nationals applying for visas to the United States.
Just imagine that you are an American worker in Afghanistan who has just watched the Taliban march in and take the entire nation including Kabul in less than 7 days. Imagine your feelings of shock and horror as you watch the American military desperately trying to airlift frightened people to safety in all the noise and confusion. Now imagine that your government just announced that Americans still trapped in Afghanistan will receive no ‘special treatment’ or ‘prioritization’ to be taken out. Could it get any worse? Just wait.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)
The world is watching all this play out in stunned disbelief, and the Biden White House is proving that no one is actually in charge as mid-level flacks deliver insincere soundbites for public consumption. Can this really be America? Not the America I was raised in when I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980, and not the America where I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. This ‘new America’ is a New World Order lapdog, without teeth, and it looks like she’s taking a dive. I knew this day was coming, I’ve warned for 12 years that this day was coming, it’s just really, really hard to watch it all unfold.
America Last: Biden Will Not Prioritize Americans Over Afghans in Afghanistan Evacuation
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed to Fox News on Sunday evening that the administration will not give priority evacuation to Americans in Afghanistan over Afghans applying for visas.
As Breitbart News reported, the State Department and Defense Department have said there are “thousands” of Americans left in Afghanistan.
“Once we get more airlift out of Kabul, we’re going to put as many people on those planes as we can,” Kirby told Fox News:
There will be a mix, not just American citizens, but perhaps some Afghan [Special Immigrant Visa] applicants as well. We’re going to focus on getting people out of the country, then sorting it out at the next stop. It’s not going to be just Americans first, then [Special Immigrant Visa] applicants.
According to an anonymous source at the Defense Department who spoke to Fox News, the administration is considering fast-tracking some 30,000 Afghan nationals into the U.S., sending them to Fort McCoy in Monroe County, Wisconsin, and Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, using the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program.
The Biden administration, though, is seemingly expanding its intake of Afghans beyond those who would qualify for SIV status — typically interpreters and their family members — to include thousands who worked for military contractors, U.S.-based media outlets, or a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Afghanistan.
In July, the Biden administration resettled about 200 Afghan interpreters and their family members at Fort Lee in Prince George County, Virginia, before they are resettled across the U.S. An additional 2,500 Afghans and their families had been set to arrive in the U.S. while 4,000 were expected to be sent to third countries while awaiting their visa processing. READ MORE
Biden’s Failure “Is Worse Than Saigon”
Former Central Intelligence Agency analyst Matt Zeller said on MSNBC that President Joe Biden’s Afghanistan failure “is worse than Saigon,” during a segment on MSNBC’s “MSNBC Reports” with Geoff Bennett on 8/16/2021.
Obama Advisor Axelrod On Afghanistan: “This Has Been A Disaster,” Biden “Needs To Own That Failure”
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The post AMERICA LAST: Biden Pentagon Says That Americans Trapped Will *Not* Get ‘Priority Treatment’ As Afghanistan Falls Into The Hands Of Taliban appeared first on Now The End Begins.