(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – One of the things you’ll never hear on the mainstream media news coverage concerning the vaccine for the coronavirus is the total number of people who are either dying from it or are experiencing adverse side effects that ruin lives.
Instead, you’ll get bombarded by propaganda as the radical left continues to capitalize on the pandemic as a means of justifying massive power grabs that they are using to then divide the country into factions so they can alter the very fabric of our nation and transform it.
A good example of the kind of stuff you won’t see on CNN or MSNBC is a board certified occupational therapist who recently came forward and claimed that he has seen far more people dying from the vaccine than from COVID.
According to WND, Abrien Aguirre recently spoke to Hawaii Free Speech News, which is a citizen-journalist video channel, where he stated, “I’ve seen 32 elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine. None of that is being talked about on the news. It doesn’t fit their narrative.”
“I’ve seen more patients die from the vaccine than from COVID,” he went on to say. Aguirre then stated that he works for Oahu’s largest skilled nursing facility and has actually served in three different coronavirus units with geriatric patients, the very people who are at the highest risk of dying from COVID.
“The people moved to the COVID unit, didn’t have COVID. They tested positive with the PCR test, but most of them were asymptomatic and only suffering from their pre-existing conditions,” he went on to say.
Aguirre then came out and stated that people who died from other terminal conditions were then listed officially as coronavirus deaths.
“A billing department in a nursing facility had therapists change its medical diagnosis codes from conditions such as pulmonary disorder to COVID to get higher reimbursements, he said,” the report detailed.
“In some instances, said Aguirre, people that hadn’t even tested positive were listed as having COVID-19,” WND’s report continued.
“It’s just fraud on every level,” he went on to say.
This is what the left doesn’t want you to know, folks. Because COVID has presented them with a golden opportunity to usurp authority, power, and control over the general population that they do not want to let go of.
Unless we the people make it clear to our elected officials that if they don’t stop putting these mandates out there, if the media doesn’t start telling the truth, we are going to boot them from office come election time, nothing will ever change.
These folks are weak. If we just say no and stand firm on that, they will cave.
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