(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Senior doctors located in New Hanover County, North Carolina were recently caught on video putting together a rather sinister scheme for how they might “inflate the real COVID numbers” in order to foster fear as a weapon to force the general public into taking the coronavirus vaccine.
According to Infowars, a recent Zoom video conference call recording between physicians and the marketing director for Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center reveals that there was an internal conversation to mess around with COVID case numbers, including death data, in order to create more public panic.
“Dr. Mary Rudyk is seen telling Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher that she wants hospitals to become more ‘scary to the public’ by inflating the number of COVID patients so they can falsely tell individuals, ‘If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die,’” the report said.
“That’s better still, and that’s something that I can take to someone else, but I think those are important numbers. The patients that are still in the hospital, that are off the COVID floor, but still are occupying the hospital for a variety of reasons,” Rudyk went on to say before another physician informed her that those patients are now considered “recovered.”
SHOCK VIDEO: Senior doctors and a marketing director at in North Carolina discussed inflating COVID-19 numbers by counting recovered patients as active COVID patients.
“We need to be… more scary to the public… If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.” pic.twitter.com/66CcIsVR4B
— National File (@NationalFile) September 10, 2021
“I think that that needs to be highlighted as well, because once you’re off isolation you drop from the COVID numbers, that’s exactly right,” the doctor continued.
“Carolyn, we can talk offline about how we run that up to marketing,” a male doctor then said, dropping a hint to Rudyk to be a bit more subtle with her messaging.
However, it seems Rudyk isn’t too quick on the draw, because she totally missed the hint and went on to further incriminate herself and the other physicians who were participating in the call.
“So I just want to say we have to be more blunt, we have to be more forceful, we have to see something coming out: ‘If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die,’” Rudyk stated, bursting out in laughing. “I mean let’s just be really blunt with these people.”
After these admissions hit the internet and went viral, Novant Health then put out a statement that claimed the Zoom call was just a “frank discussion” among health experts.
“The team members involved in this excerpt of an internal meeting are seeing the highest level of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths so far in this pandemic – despite having safe and effective vaccines widely available. This was a frank discussion among medical and communications professionals on how we can more accurately convey the severity and seriousness of what’s happening inside of our hospitals and throughout our communities. Specifically, the data we have been sharing does not include patients who remain hospitalized for COVID-19 complications even though they are no longer COVID-19 positive, so it does not provide a complete picture of the total impact of COVID-19 on our patients and on our hospitals. We continue to be concerned with the amount of misinformation in our communities and consistently strive for more ways to be transparent and tell the whole story. The continued rise of hospitalizations makes it evident that we have more work to do to reach our communities with these messages,” it read.
Sounds like they are just trying to cover the butts of the individuals who were involved in this “conversation,” doesn’t it? Wouldn’t be the first time the medical establishment in this country went all in on trying to cover up information concerning COVID for the Democratic Party.
Heck, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been guilty of manipulating minds by messing with the deal toll numbers concerning folks who have taken the jab.
According to Gateway Pundit, which gleaned a number of interesting topics from a piece by Corey Diggs called, “CDC Bases Covid Jab Death Toll % on Doses – Not People, as Death Toll Topples all Other “Vaccines” for 3 Decades.”
“Most people are fully aware that the CDC’s VAERS reporting system has lacked in reporting over the years, so it’s fairly safe to say that the death toll after receiving a Covid jab is under-documented to begin with. Furthermore, the CDC and HHS went above and beyond to document all death certificates into their database to escalate the number of people who died WITH Covid, not FROM Covid. Yet, they don’t seem to be documenting death certificates of those who died after receiving the Covid jab. The only “reporting” seems to be running through their VAERS system,” Diggs wrote.
“That said, here is a perfect and yet very simple example of how the CDC manipulates numbers directly on their website, assuming that the average person isn’t going to bother to do the math. The mainstream news, whose so-called journalists also won’t do the math, then take the information and spin it out to meet their narrative, much in the way they recently did with the FDA’s bait-and-switch on the Pfizer Covid jab’s so-called approval,” the report stated.
“The CDC reported that the death toll on the VAERS reporting system indicates 6,968 deaths as of August 18, 2021. Next to the death toll they point out that the 6,968 deaths amount to (0.0019%) ‘among people who received a Covid-19 vaccine.’ This is a totally false statement. They are basing it on the number of jabs administered, when most people have already received BOTH jabs. They indicate that 363 million doses have been administered. The population of the U.S. is only 328.2 million, therefore millions of people have received two doses. They are using the 363 million ‘doses’ to establish the 0.0019%, which is NOT ‘among people,’ but rather ‘doses,’ and ultimately reduces the percentage by nearly half. This is done for perception, because percentages have a greater impact on a person’s mind,” Diggs continued in his piece.
Diggs then went on to make the claim that the bigger story in all of this concerns the CDC’s claims concerning how effective the vaccine is.
“On August 19, 2021, the CDC alleged that the Pfizer BioNTech jab was 95% effective at preventing the Covid virus in clinical trials, and that the mRNA jabs are 90% effective in the real world. And yet, in July, just one month prior, the CDC published a study showing that 74% of fully vaccinated people against Covid, who were in an infected area of Massachusetts, tested positive for Covid. How do they reconcile that discrepancy? Here’s how: they are willing to take the hit on the false efficacy so they could inflate the fear around the alleged Delta variant to get more people to take the jab, while also blaming a “new variant” on the fact that the jabs don’t really prevent anyone from getting sick, and at the same time, allowed them to resurrect the mask mandates. A clever, not-so-clever little bunch of manipulators. Multiple mainstream news sources covered this, which is even more telling that this was their goal,” Diggs said in his report.
“In pulling this stunt, they pulled the same trickery with the numbers. They stated that there were 469 people who tested positive for Covid, and that 74% were fully vaccinated. That would mean that 348 people had been fully vaccinated, and 121 were not. Since they had already established that 469 people tested positive for Covid, one would think they would be able to differentiate how many of those were the alleged Delta variant, but instead, they only mention that of “133 patients, 90% of specimens were the Delta variant,” which coincidentally equals 120 people. They are trying to implant suggestive reasoning in people’s minds that therefore 90% of all 469 people likely had the alleged Delta variant, when in fact it is far more likely that the alleged Delta variant is non-existent, and the Covid jabs have no efficacy rate to a virus that was never isolated, and has over a 99.98% survival rate based on highly exaggerated case numbers by the CDC. This also establishes plausible deniability for the future, should they want to make the claim that the alleged Delta variant only affected those who hadn’t received the jab yet, in case too many people stopped getting the jab for fear it wouldn’t work on the Delta variant,” Diggs added.
The mainstream media has been working closely with the CDC to help spread this kind of nonsense all over the place as a means of using fear to help control the weaker-minded folks who live in this country and have been brainwashed to believe that the radical leftist government we have in power at the moment actually cares about them and wants to keep them safe.
The truth is, they want to use fear tactics as a means of forcing people into submission. It’s the crisis situation they’ve been wanting for decades, which will enable them to use fear as a means of usurping power and authority from the American people.
Too many of our neighbors are willing to sell out their liberty for a false sense of security promised by the left.
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