Joining History’s Perverts … Teacher Wants to Show Students Images of …

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Surge Summary: A Pennsylvania private school teacher wants to address the “s*xuality” of his young students – including nursery age – by exposing them to images of genitalia. Parents, beware what’s going on with your kids at their school.

by The Ruth Institute

A Pennsylvania English teacher wants to desensitize children by showing them pictures of genitalia. “This should be filed under ‘I thought I’d heard it all,’” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Al Vernacchio of Friends’ Central School, a private school in Wynnewood, PA, boasts: “I’m responsible for the s*xuality education of all of our students from our youngest students who are three years old in nursery school, up through our 12th graders who are turning 18 and getting ready to leave high school. That’s a huge range, but every single one of those kids is a s*xual being. They have been since birth.”

Morse replied: “Mr. Vernacchio doesn’t realize what he’s admitting to. He’s redefining childhood without telling anyone that he’s doing so. Alfred Kinsey, Wilhelm Reich, and other ‘luminaries’ of the S*xual Revolution, also taught that children are s*xual beings from birth. Kinsey used that theory to justify experiments with infants that can only be described as sick and perverted.”

“Some of us believe children are innocent and helpless at birth, and our job is to give them the time and safety to mature,” Morse said. “Children don’t need to be exploring their ‘s*xuality’ in pre-school. They need to learn shapes and colors and how to take turns and share. Children need adults to protect them and safeguard their innocence.”

“If s*xuality is really so ‘natural,’ we shouldn’t need to ‘cultivate’ it,” Morse said. “It can emerge naturally without kids being flooded with images and ideas they aren’t ready for.”

“It’s up to parents to find out what their children are being subjected to in public and private schools. How graphic and age-appropriate is it? Do parents receive advance notice? Are they allowed to opt their children out?”

“These are legitimate questions, which should be answered without hesitation. Schools should understand that they have a responsibility to parents as well as children,” Morse said.

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives, Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook Up World, and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.

Image:; adapted from: andrew_mc_d;


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