(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – A commander serving in the U.S. Space Force unit that is tasked with helping to detect ballistic missile launches has been booted after some comments he made during an episode of a podcast where he was promoting his new book, which makes the claim that Marxist ideologies are becoming increasingly popular in the U.S. military.
According to Military.com, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron located at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado, was relieved of his post on Friday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, who is the head of Space Operations Command. The firing was allegedly due to Whiting having a loss of confidence in Lohmeier’s ability to lead.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a spokesperson for Space Force said in a recent email statement. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
What Lohmeier’s temporary assignment is in the aftermath of these comments has not been made clear.
— Matthew Lohmeier (@matthewlohmeier) May 15, 2021
Earlier in the month, Lohmeier, who also is a former instructor and fighter pilot who moved over to Space Force, self-published a book entitled, “Irresistible Evolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.”
“Irresistible Revolution is a timely and bold contribution from an active-duty Space Force lieutenant colonel who sees the impact of a neo-Marxist agenda at the ground level within our armed forces,” a description of the book goes on to say.
Last week, Lohmeier had a chat with L. Todd Wood who hosts the podcast “Information Operation” in order to help promote the book. During his time on the program, Lohmeier spoke on U.S. institutions, including our colleges and universities, media and federal agencies that also includes the military, are adopting a lot of leftist policies and practices.
Many of these practices, like diversity and inclusion training, are the actual systemic cause of the divisive climate we are experiencing across the country today.
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book. Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture,’” the Military.com report says.
“I don’t demonize the man, but I want to make it clear to both him and every service member this [diversity and inclusion] agenda, it will divide us, it will not unify us,” Lohmeier said, referencing Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
“Austin on Feb. 5 ordered all military services to observe one-day stand-down on extremism in the ranks. As part of his stand-down, Lohmeier said, he was given a booklet that cited the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol as an example of extremism, but did not mention the civil disobedience and destruction of property that took place following the death of George Floyd, a Black man, at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis last May,” the report continues.
Lohmeier also had some issues with “the Pentagon spokesperson” who seemingly alluded to Press Secretary John Kirby. Lohmeier later said that Kirby stated “there are too many white pilots,” during an increasing shortage of pilots.
“If you want to provide that kind of messaging to your already struggling pilot force, you can already expect to see further retention problems,” Lohmeier said.
Kirby went on to release a statement himself in which he denied ever having made the comment concerning white pilots during a press conference concerning the importance of having increased diversity programs.
“This department has an open door to any qualified American who wants to serve,” Kirby said on May 6. “Diversity throughout the force is a source of strength. We can’t afford to deprive ourselves of the talents and the voices of the full range of a nation that we defend.”
Lohmeier then told Military.com that he had already consulted with his base public affairs and legal counsel about the plans he had to publish the book.
“I was apprised of the option to have my book reviewed at the Pentagon’s prepublication and security review prior to release, but was also informed that it was not required,” Lohmeier stated in an email.
“My intent never has been to engage in partisan politics. I have written a book about a particular political ideology (Marxism) in the hope that our Defense Department might return to being politically non-partisan in the future as it has honorably done throughout history,” he added.
The book is proving to be successful as it has hit the number two ranked position on Amazon’s “Military Policy” section.
During his conversation with Wood, Lohmeier said that diversity training that he himself has received as part of the military was steeped in critical race theory which he said was “rooted in Marxism.”
“The officer pointed to initiatives rolled out by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin aimed at combating ‘extremism’ within the military’s ranks. He said that a booklet he received on the issue highlights the January 6 riots at the Capitol as an example of extremism, but fails to mention the civil unrest and violence linked to the Black Lives Matter movement,” a report from Infowars said.
He also told Wood that it was not his intention to “demonize” Austin, but further warned that the way the military was handling these topics was causing a lot of division.
“Stressing that he was only sharing his ‘personal view,’ Lohmeier said that he believed China was exploiting America’s obsession with critical race theory in the hopes that it could win a ‘war’ with Washington without firing a shot. He claimed that Beijing was fueling internal division on social media and that Chinese President Xi Jinping would love to see the United States ‘rot like this from the inside,’ he said.
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