Good News to End Work Week: Patriots Are Clapping Back Against Leftist Foolishness

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Surge Summary: Across America, Republican governors and politicians, voters and judges are formally standing against Democratic and Leftist nonsense, taking strides against these noxious efforts. It’s only a start, but it represents good news for those patriotic Americans who still love God and country.

by Gary Bauer

Good News

  • Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed legislation protecting children from so-called “gender-confirming” medical procedures.
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed legislation protecting unborn babies from abortion after detection of a heartbeat.
  • The Utah legislature passed a resolution condemning the teaching of critical race theory.
  • The Supreme Court ruled 9-to-0 against the Biden Administration that police must have a warrant to search a home and seize lawfully-owned firearms.  This is a critical victory for the Second and Fourth Amendments.
  • Pennsylvania voters rolled back the governor’s power to issue emergency declarations after repeated abuses during the pandemic that severely impacted the state’s economy and the 2020 elections.
  • House Republicans are demanding that the Space Force reinstate Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who was fired for exposing Marxist critical race theory in the military.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge

Originally Posted here.

Image:  CC0 Public Domain; Adapted from: 

Gary Lee Bauer is an American politician and activist, who served in the Reagan administration. He later became president of the Family Research Council and a senior vice president of Focus on the Family. In 2000, he participated in the Republican presidential contest.

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