(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – The Pennsylvania Department of State has put out a directive that is prohibiting county election boards from giving their full cooperation in election audits ordered by the state Senate.
According to a report from Gateway Pundit, the directive says that election officials are not to turn over election material to any third parties. Any equipment that is then turned over to a third party is not allowed to be used in another election. The state will not be reimbursing the counties for the cost of replacing this equipment (screen shot here).
In other words, they are trying to dissuade counties from doing an audit and ensuring that they keep the current machines to use in future elections, which definitely seems suspect. They want the same machines used in the 2020 election to be used again. Why? Because they are likely programmed to help the Democratic Party pull off victory after victory through voter fraud.
Keep in mind that Texas, along with 20 other states, actually sued Pennsylvania for violating the Constitution due to changes that were made to voting rules and procedures through courts and executive actions. The Supreme Court tossed the case and allowed Pennsylvania and other states to continue this lawlessness.
Another report from GP reveals how Sen. Mastriano responded to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and this unlawful directive.
Mastriano just initiated a full forensic audit of the election results from last November.
Mastriano then made an appearance on the Bannon War Room program where he went on to give the counties in Pennsylvania three weeks to get things moving and comply. He went on to say that there’s a possibility he might expand the audit with other counties.
The left in the state of Pennsylvania is absolutely terrified by the idea of a forensic audit. That alone should be enough to set off alarm bells. Something is being hidden. Democrats do not want you to be aware of how they cheated.
BREAKING: PA initiates Full Forensic Audit. Requests info from several counties. @SenMastriano #AuditPA pic.twitter.com/U5MBU15HM7
— Audit War Room (@AuditWarRoom) July 7, 2021
Instead, they want to keep everyone in the dark so they can continue to cheat, lie, and steal in order to keep power for themselves.
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