(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Democrats are in an absolute panic as their house of cards is beginning to crumble around them.
On Tuesday, Arizona Senate Leader Karen Fann announced that the ballot totals from the 2020 election in Maricopa County do not match the ballots totals found by the Senate auditors.
Also on Tuesday night, OAN reported that we can expect more information from the audit to be released within the next two days.
It should come as no surprise that on Wednesday, US House Democrats launched an unconstitutional, partisan sham investigation into Arizona’s forensic audit. They accused the state’s Republican-led Senate of pushing “the big lie” fabricated by President Trump.
House Oversight Committee Democrats led by Chairman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), sent a letter Wednesday to the CEO of Cyber Ninjas, the group handling the technical side of the Arizona audit. The letter (screen shot here) demanded answers to questions about their methodology.
“We are writing to request information about Cyber Ninjas’ participation in an ‘audit’ of nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County, Arizona, in the 2020 election,” the committee wrote.
They continued on to say that they are “concerned” about Cyber Ninjas’ “role in this highly unusual effort” and claimed Cyber Ninjas lacks “experience in conducting election-related audits.”
The letter continues on to claim that there are “reports that the company engages in sloppy and insecure audit practices that compromised the integrity of ballots and voting equipment.” They also claim that the Cyber Ninjas were “questioned by the Department of Justice.”
They also claim there is “evidence” that the company along with “individuals funding the audit” have engaged in advancing “‘the big lie’ of debunked voter fraud allegations” from the 2020 election.
#BREAKING: Congressional Democrats will attempt to stop Maricopa County Audit.
House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) demands production of documents from auditors and says her committee is launching an formal investigation into the audit. pic.twitter.com/kqCj4nvebX
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) July 14, 2021
How on earth could these claims be “debunked” if there was no effort to debunk them? Clearly the Democrats are in a panic because they know the truth is the audit performed by the Cyber Ninjas is going to debunk their lies that there was no fraud.
What convenient timing of this letter as Fann just made the announcement Tuesday about the ballot totals from the audit and the election not matching.
“They haven’t released a number yet, if you will, however we do know that those numbers do not match with Maricopa County at this point,” Fann told The Mike Broomhead Show.
The real question is, who has given the US House Democrats the authority to intervene in the election audit being performed by the Arizona State Senate. It is the states who hold authority over election processes, not the federal government.
Infowars points out that the actions by the US House Dems may potentially violate Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the US Constitution, which states that the power to oversee elections is granted exclusively to state legislatures within those states.
Don’t expect Democrats to care what the Constitution says, however. They operate above the law.
This isn’t the first time the Biden regime has violated the Constitution in regards to the election audit. Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared to violate it when he sent a similar letter to Arizona Senate President Fann with claims of ballot insecurity and “potential voter intimidation” which only cited media reports as evidence.
Clearly the Democrats are getting desperate. They know it’s all about to come crashing down.
What are they going to do when they can no longer deny the truth?
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