‘Death Sentence’: US Contract Working Dogs Abandoned At Kabul Airport

(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – A group of United States contract working dogs have been abandoned and left behind at the international airport in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, after the final American flight took off on Monday.

President of Veteran Sheepdogs of America Joshua Hosler is now working frantically to find a way to rescue these dogs that have been used up and dumped behind in the country that is now being controlled by the Taliban after the Department of Defense ordered the dogs be left behind.

Boy, there really is no heart, decency, or care left in our federal government for our troops or their working dogs, is there?

Totally tragic.

According to Gateway Pundit, Dr. Robin R. Ganzert, who is the president and CEO of American Humane issued a statement condemning the act.

“I am devastated by reports that the American government is pulling out of Kabul and leaving behind brave U.S. military contract working dogs to be tortured and killed at the hand of our enemies. These brave dogs do the same dangerous, lifesaving work as our military working dogs, and deserved a far better fate than the one to which they have been condemned,” Ganzert went on to say.

“American Humane even offered to help transport and provide lifetime medical care for the dogs,” the report said.

“This senseless fate is made all the more tragic, as American Humane stands ready to not only help transport these contract K-9 soldiers to U.S. soil but also to provide for their lifetime medical care,” the statement added. “American Humane has worked hand in hand with the military for more than 100 years to rescue military animals. In fact, our famed rescue program began on the bloody battlefields of WWI Europe, at the request of the U.S. Secretary of War. Since that time, American Humane served as a pioneer in the development of animal therapy for returning veterans, and today brings home retired military working dogs and pairs veterans with life-saving service dogs.”

Ganzert begged the U.S. government to pack the dogs up into whatever cargo space was available to fly them away to safety, but it seems that plea fell on deaf ears.

According to a report from TMZ, Hosler managed to raise $1.4 million with two large donors expected to still come through, which would help them meet their goal of 1.67 million to get the dogs out of Afghanistan.

“He posted a TikTok video (watch here) explaining the dire sitch — with a photo of a ton of carrying crates in front of a chopper. Josh says this is just a fraction of the dogs left behind in the mass pull-out. There are military personnel on the ground that Josh is currently working with to coordinate a rescue, but the bottom line is… he needs resources (like a 737 plane) which ain’t cheap,” the report stated.

“JH shoots his shots with the multi-millionaires and billionaires of the world — including guys like Musk and Gates — who could presumably cut a check for at least $1.67 million to fund an aircraft that could accommodate all these dogs to land somewhere outside the country,” the report continued.

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