(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Joe Biden’s illegal vaccine mandates are threatening the livelihoods of millions of good, hard-working Americans.
All in the matter of one year doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical professionals have gone from being celebrated heroes on the frontlines of the so-called pandemic to zeroes for refusing to be injected with the experimental COVID vaccines.
They are not alone. US military service men and women are going from heroes and defenders of our freedoms to possible “terror threats” for their refusal to comply and take the jabs.
Heartbreaking compilation videos have been circulating social media showing numerous US military members informing viewers that while they have served honorably for years, they may soon face the end of their careers as they stand in defiance of Biden’s vaccine demands.
Right now this is the most important act our military members could possibly do for all of us. They took an oath to defend America from enemies both foreign and domestic and right now our biggest enemy is sitting in the White House and on Capitol Hill.
These tyrants are forcing Americans to comply with their absurd demands or else and it’s time for US military members to step up and stand in the gap.
By refusing the vaccines they are defending the freedoms of every single one of us and for that we should be thankful. Here are just a few of the thousands of military members refusing to submit to this unprecedented tyranny:
One of the most powerful videos I’ve ever seen in this#FreedomFlu pic.twitter.com/IJOl107o9X
— Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) October 19, 2021
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) October 19, 2021
These military members may soon be discharged from their careers along with tens of thousands of health professionals, police officers, firefighters, border patrol agents, airline pilots, air-traffic controllers and plane mechanics and others who are also refusing to submit.
Thousands have already lost their jobs and more jobs are on the line as vaccine deadlines are fast approaching.
These American patriots are putting it all on the line and their sacrifices aren’t just for them, they benefit all of us. The more Americans that stand up and refuse to comply the better our chances are at fighting this evil regime and the globalist agenda at play.
What’s even more egregious is that those who refuse the vaccine run the risk of being labeled as “dangerous conspiracy theorists” and “potential terror threats.” That’s right, the act of simply making our own informed medical decisions could soon result in making the terror watch list in America.
A “national terrorism alert” was issued by Biden’s Department of Homeland Security in September and is titled “POTENTIAL TERROR THREATS.” The DHS specifies three terror threats are particularly worrisome for the regime and the top one is, “OPPOSITION TO COVID MEASURES.”
This is a political purge.
“A new directive by the Navy’s COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA) issued yesterday states that if SEALs decline the vaccine, the Navy may seek to recover from each individual SEAL the money the government has spent on training them.”
— Tim Wood
(@TimOnPoint) October 15, 2021
A Navy Commander joins Tucker Carlson to discuss his opposition to vaccine mandates for the military. pic.twitter.com/DpnXn53F4z
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) September 23, 2021
This is absolutely sick. If we don’t step up and refuse to comply now, we will surely lose this fight which is only just beginning.
NOW – Seattle Fire and Police, discharged for noncompliance with the vaccine mandate, turn in their boots at the city hall.pic.twitter.com/O8ogfdaYTd
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) October 19, 2021
The city lost heroes today. pic.twitter.com/RDUUFm5CKy
— Katie Daviscourt
(@KatieDaviscourt) October 19, 2021
NOW: Seattle firefighters and Seattle police officers that were fired for not complying with the vaccine mandate are out feeding the homeless. pic.twitter.com/33S42hg9Aa
— Katie Daviscourt
(@KatieDaviscourt) October 19, 2021
Cop signed off his final shift after 17 years of serving because he refused to get the vaccine pic.twitter.com/d9M7NBlzaq
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 19, 2021
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