In 1999, a video game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul was released for Microsoft Windows and later Dreamcast. It was an adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Eidos Interactive in collaboration with singer David Bowie.
As if happening on cue from a Higher Power, (amen, brother, amen!) today comes the news that in 1999 Bill gates and Microsoft released a game called ‘Omikron’ that revolved around demons pretending to be human, and go around harvesting human souls. Bill Gates pretends to be human, Mark Zuckerberg pretends to be human, and the list goes on ad nauseum. File this article under Predictive Programming when you’re done reading it.
“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:7 (KJB)
Creepy Predictive Programming 1999 Video Game From Microsoft Called ‘Omikron’ Goes Viral Amid Omicron COVID Variant Fears
FROM HITC: The Space Oddity singer voiced a character in the game called Boz in the sci-fi game that sees players try to save their own soul whilst hunting down a serial killer. In Omikron, demons pretend to be human to lure humans into Omikron. Then, if the player loses the game, their real-life sole is said to be lost. It’s the one and only time David Bowie has appeared in a video game, and it’s been uncovered over two decades later in the wake of the Omicron variant.
The name of the game, Omikron, is just one letter different from the new Covid mutation Omicron, and that’s not the only similarity between the two either. In one speech, David Bowie’s character Boz speaks about taking a stand against the government, which many are likening to attitudes towards the government during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Wake up. People of Omikron and it’s corrupt government are lulling you to sleep in order to control you better. They have transformed you into puppets that are manipulated by Icks and the Demons,” Boz says.
He continued: “Join the Awakened Ones and rise up to fight for your freedom. Together we can win.”
The 1999 game continues to go viral on social media amid the new Omicron strain and people have a lot to say about it on Twitter.
One person wrote: “Omicron was the name of a 1999 video game by Microsoft and Bill Gates about demons pretending to be humans and harvesting their souls…. I’ll just leave that right here…”
“This is a video game from 1999 called Omikron. Listen to the video from 4:30 to 4:52. Completely conspiratorial, but it’s very very unnerving when compared to what is happening,” said another.
A third person added: “Omikron (Omicron) The Nomad Soul video game from 1999. David Bowie was one of its composers. Listen to his words, coincidence or a foretelling of what was to come?… you be the judge.” READ MORE
Microsoft Video Game ‘Omikron’ From 1999
Pay close attention to what is being said starting at the 4.30 mark, it’s an eye-opening moment for sure.
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