Switzerland has just legalized a new way to die by assisted suicide. The country’s medical review board has just given authorization for use of the Sarco Suicide Pod, which is a 3-D-printed portable coffin-like capsule like from ‘The Matrix’ with windows that can be transported to a tranquil place for a person’s final moments of life.
Just last week, we did a Bible study on elements from the movie ‘The Matrix’ which freaked a number of people out, and today comes the news from Switzerland that they have just approved something called the Sarco Suicide Pod. It’s a 3-D printed portable death pod, and it looks exactly like the pods from ‘The Matrix’ which turned human beings into batteries for the system.
“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)
This whole world is rushing headlong into its unavoidable date with end times prophetic destiny, and as it plays out in real-time technicolor, it is amazing to see the vast percentage of the global population, including most Christians, soundly asleep at the switch. It’s a good thing that here in the Church Age we have eternal security and will be removed in the Pretribulation Rapture before the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble, because without that, most Christians would willingly take the Mark of the Beast. What will it take to wake you people up? Unplug!
Switzerland Approves Matrix Style Assisted Suicide Death Pods
FROM THE DAILY BEAST: Conventional assisted-suicide methods have generally involved a chemical substance. Inventor Philip Nitschke of Exit International told the website SwissInfo.ch that his “death pod” offers a different approach. “We want to remove any kind of psychiatric review from the process and allow the individual to control the method themselves,” he said. “Our aim is to develop an artificial-intelligence screening system to establish the person’s mental capacity. Naturally there is a lot of skepticism, especially on the part of psychiatrists.”
The pod can be activated from inside and can give the person intending to die various options for where they want to be for their final moments. “The machine can be towed anywhere for the death,” he said. “It can be in an idyllic outdoor setting or in the premises of an assisted-suicide organization, for example.”
To qualify to use the pod, the person who wants to die must answer an online survey that is meant to prove whether they are making the decision of their own accord. If they pass, they will be told the location of the pod and given an access code. Once inside, the person intending to end their life will have to answer pre-recorded questions and press a button that will start the process of flooding the interior with nitrogen, which will quickly reduce the oxygen level inside from 21 percent to 1 percent. “The person will get into the capsule and lie down,” he said, adding, “It’s very comfortable.”
He said the person will likely feel disorientated or euphoric. “The whole thing takes about 30 seconds,” he said “Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively. There is no panic, no choking.” In 2020, around 1,300 people died by assisted suicide in Switzerland, almost all by ingesting liquid sodium pentobarbital, which puts a patient into a deep coma before killing them. Assisted suicide is also legal in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Canada.
The Sarco Suicide Pod is expected to be operational in 2022. The company has made three prototypes, but one was not “aesthetically pleasing” so it will not be used, it says. The company has not yet announced how much it will cost to use the service. READ MORE
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
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