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Surge Summary: Conservative and Christian voters beware: Joe Biden is on his way out and in his place Michelle Obama will be put forward as Democratic candidate for POTUS. This will pose a new, unique challenge for those who need to walk in discernment.
by Larry Tomczak
Before Rush Limbaugh left this planet for his heavenly home, he warned us that the Democratic Party wants “Michelle My Bell” in the White House.
Years ago, I wrote a commentary saying the same thing.
The day of reckoning is fast approaching for Mr. Biden and his son, Hunter. If you’re OK with letting him tell you how you’re to raise your children, shouldn’t you first consider how Hunter turned out? And how about the way America has turned out after 2 1/2 years of his terrible track record?
When he, along with extremist Democrat “progressives,” pile multiple criminal charges on Mr. Trump saying, “No one is above the law,” my question is “How come illegals are?”; as well as Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams who still challenge their elections while Mr. Trump is hauled in for doing the exact same thing?
And how about Mr. Biden who swore an oath of office to uphold the law yet brazenly disregards it with illegal immigration?
In 2 1/2 years, 7 million have entered the United States including 114 (that we’ve caught!) on the “Terrorist Watch List” when there were only 14 in 4 years under Trump. Gas averaged $1.86 when he left office – now it’s over $4.00. Groceries are at a 20-year high and “the beat goes on.”
Day of Reckoning
When Congress returns from their Summer recess, they resume investigation into law breaking allegations of bribery, influence peddling, lying, etc. regarding Biden and his family which have risen to the point of Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) drawing up 4 articles of impeachment that are “long overdue,” even as recent discovery has been found of Joe using numerous fake email names interacting with Hunter like “Robert L. Peters” and “Robin Ware.”
When the leftist leaning Washington Post runs an article, “Why Democrat Dean Phillips Says Biden Shouldn’t Run Again,” I think we know intuitively “the hand writing is on the wall to close out Joe Biden, either through retirement or resignation. 77% of Americans now say Biden is too old to run again (Associated Press 8/28/23).
Then What?
Hillary for another go around? Never – she’s done after two straight defeats.
RFK, Jr? Nope – Democrat bosses reject him outright and his minuscule constituency can’t deliver.
Gavin Newsom? He’s the one my dear friend, Che Ahn, took to the Supreme Court (and won!) for shutting down churches during COVID. The real story of his state is “D-” losing nearly a million residents the past three years (crime, cost of living, congestion and catastrophic taxes).
Kamala? She had her chance and blew it. She accomplished nothing and was in it over her head from the get-go.
The Democrat bench is as thin as a stale taco shell. That’s why all eyes will soon turn to someone whose name rhymes with that shell.
The Democrats are desperate to not relinquish control of the country they’ve resolved to refurbish as a progressive, Big Government state. Barack Obama spoke of it when he started his reign and now he can coach his wife to complete what he called the “fundamental transformation of America.”
7 Reasons the Former First Lady Fits the Bill
Behind closed doors in a senior level, prophetic leadership gathering I posed the question to the most astute and experienced political expert present. I had a premonition but wanted to hear his educated perspective. When asked his guess on who will be the Democrats’ nominee, he candidly said the same think that leftist filmmaker Michael Moore had said, “Her last name rhymes with Obama.”
1. She can basically stay somewhat out of sight like Biden then appear at the opportune time. Naysayers say she wouldn’t go out on the campaign trail and nibble hotdogs in Iowa. She can simply sit back and enjoy her life of leisure, wait out the primaries, then show up with Barack at the convention to thunderous applause and a fawning media.
- If Trump gets the nomination, she’d be an attractive and formidable opponent contrasted with his tough guy, sometimes bullying personality.3. She’s a charismatic and articulate former First Lady who is a political celebrity worldwide, enjoying rockstar status. She was named “The Most Admired Woman in the World” in a survey where the now deceased Queen Elizabeth came in 4th and Melania Trump was 19th.
4. Her latest book, “Becoming” sold over 14 million copies (“The Light We Carry” followed as a #1 bestseller and launched her Podcast). People love her and identify with her journey. She appeals to millennials, single and married women, blacks and other minorities, liberals, independents, the LGBTQ and pro-choice proponents, Hollywood celebrities (like Oprah Winfrey, rock and movie stars), thewell-educated and wealthy upper class.
5. She’d be portrayed as someone who supposedly can unite a polarized, nation and protect her husband’s legacy, preventing the dismantling of his policies and the progress of progressives in transforming America.
6. She would capture the history making prize of being the first woman president in US history, accomplishing it as a youthful, just turned 60,educated, fashionable black woman, who appeals to the overwhelming majority of demographic groups in America.
7. She has experience and demonstrated leadership in the White House as an advisor to the president; worked as an attorney and university administrator; initiated a global effort to keep young girls in school; coordinated the “When We All Vote” effort to mobilize voters; has 56 million followers on social media; and has successfully raised two daughters, who are now succeeding in their separate spheres.
Here’s the deal: The United States is at a crossroads and time of frightening, accelerating moral decline. If Michelle Obama gets the nomination for the presidency, discernment will be critical because behind the person, personality and popularity is a Democratic platform with unreserved support for multitudes of issues contrary to Scripture and undermining the Judeo-Christian values upon which America was founded.
Jesus told us to “watch and pray” (Luke 21:36) and to be “salt” in holding back decay. May God help us to be engaged in proclaiming and actively living out the gospel and truth in what could be the most challenging time to be Christ followers in history.
The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.
Image: Public Domain; Adapted from: https://picryl.com/media/barack-and-michelle-obama-embrace-goodbye-4-5-09-704f45
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