As Israel-Hamas War In Gaza Reaches Day 60, The IDF Attacks Strongholds In Khan Yunis While Preparing To Flood Miles Of Terror Tunnels With Seawater

Israel has vowed to topple Hamas after Palestinian terrorists stormed across the border from Gaza on October 7, attacking Hamas in Gaza City and Khan Younis while preparing to flood miles of terror tunnels with seawater

The Bible says that in the time of Jacob’s trouble, all the nations of the world will come against Israel, and that Jerusalem will be ‘trodden down’. That is not very hard to imagine with the incredible level of virulent antisemitism we’ve been witnessing since October 8th. The more Israel eradicates Hamas, who seems the have the majority of support from the main stream media, the more incendiary things will be for the Jews. I stand with Israel, how about you?

“And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Luke 21:24 (KJB)

Now comes the news that the IDF will be flooding the Hamas rat line terror tunnels with millions of gallons of seawater, let’s see what an outcry that that will provoke. Israel is in a very hard place right now. If they don’t eradicate Hamas, October 7th will keep repeating, and if they do they’ll face the wrath of the world. Who knew that the United Nations posed more of a threat than terrorists with guns?

IDF chief: Flooding Hamas Gaza tunnels with seawater ‘a good idea’; Khan Younis surrounded

FROM THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi appeared to confirm on Tuesday a report that Israel aims to flood Hamas’s tunnel network in the Gaza Strip, calling it “a good idea.”

“We are seeing a lot of underground infrastructure in Gaza, we knew there would be a lot. Part of the goal is to destroy this infrastructure,” Halevi said in response to a question at a press conference, regarding a report in The Wall Street Journal.

Quoting US officials, the Journal reported that the IDF set up five large water pumps last month near the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, which are capable of flooding the tunnels within weeks by pumping thousands of cubic meters of water per hour into them.

Speaking to the press, Halevi said Tuesday that the military was encircling southern Gaza’s Khan Younis as it launched the “third phase” of its ground offensive against Hamas in the Strip. Israel has vowed to topple Hamas after Palestinian terrorists stormed across the border from Gaza on October 7, slaughtered some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took around 240 hostages.

“After 60 days since the beginning of the war, our forces are surrounding the Khan Younis area in southern Gaza. At the same time, we are working to deepen the achievement in the northern part of the Strip. Anyone who thought that the IDF would not know how to resume the fighting after the truce was mistaken. Hamas is feeling this strongly,” Halevi said.

“In the last few days, many operatives, including senior commanders, were eliminated,” he said.

On Tuesday evening, the IDF released footage and a photograph showing senior Hamas commanders inside the terror group’s tunnels in the northern part of the Gaza Strip several months ago, and said five of those in the picture were killed in Israeli airstrikes since the war began, including Wael Rajab, the deputy commander of Hamas’s northern Gaza brigade.

Said Halevi: “We captured many Hamas strongholds in northern Gaza, and now we are operating against its centers of gravity in the south. We are operating with professionalism, clearing the [Palestinian] population ahead of time from the combat areas. We are striking Hamas above and below ground, from the air, land, and sea,” he said.

The commander of the army’s southern command said earlier that troops were operating “in the heart of Khan Younis,” calling Tuesday the most intense day of fighting yet. “Our enemy is Hamas, not the population in the Gaza Strip, and therefore there is humanitarian aid including fuel, which allows the hospitals, water pumps, purification plants, to prevent diseases that can spread,” he said.

According to military estimates, some 5,000 Hamas members have been killed in the Gaza Strip, in addition to more than 1,000 terrorists killed in Israel during the October 7 onslaught. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post As Israel-Hamas War In Gaza Reaches Day 60, The IDF Attacks Strongholds In Khan Yunis While Preparing To Flood Miles Of Terror Tunnels With Seawater appeared first on Now The End Begins.