(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Under Joe Biden’s regime, patriotism is not allowed. The Pentagon made that very clear after they denied a permit for a staging area for the annual Rolling to Remember event held in the Nation’s Capital.
The denial of the permit, however, isn’t stopping the event and as a matter of fact, Breitbart reports that a greater number of participants than ever before are expected to attend.
After the Pentagon rejected the permit for the annual motorcycle event, it has become highly anticipated and has gained much attention.
The Pentagon claims they rejected the permit on the basis of “coronavirus concerns” but we all know the truth is that they just don’t want to see any displays of patriotism and they certainly don’t want conservatives gathering in Washington DC.
The event, formerly known as Rolling Thunder, is organized by AMVETS, a veterans group, and is held annually over Memorial Day weekend in DC. Organizers say they are expecting an even greater turnout after being denied the permit.
The national executive director of AMVETS spoke with Breitbart about the event and said that DC Mayor Muriel Bowser granted the group permission to stage at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium.
“We’ve built out a very robust plan, great infrastructure, so Sunday morning we will be staging at RFK stadium,” he said, adding that they are now “expecting 100,000 bikes.”
Chenelly also told Breitbart that the Metro Police Department has “been very cooperative” with them in ensuring that safety measures are in effect.
He pointed out that the Pentagon telling them no has “actually driven up our expectations of how many people are coming in by quite a bit.”
In a previous interview with Breitbart, Chenelly explained that back in March the Pentagon had originally approved the permit but he says he was skeptical of the approval since there had not been any of the typical meetings that take place in order to get safety protocols in place.
Chenelly says he was told to call the Pentagon police “in a few weeks” to work on safety protocols.
“I called the Pentagon police and said, ‘let’s work together,’ and for eight days we did that,” Chenelly said, but also stated that he had already begun scouting other sites in case the Pentagon decided to pull the plug.
“Once we got confirmed for the permit … we stopped working with them and then eight days later the Pentagon calls and says, ‘Sorry, we made a mistake, we shouldn’t have sent that to you. You don’t have the permit. We will tell you when we make a decision,’” Chenelly said.
It sure looks as though the Pentagon was purposefully messing with AMVETS in an effort to see that the event would not take place. Fortunately, Chenelly was smart enough to look for other sites for the event and it’s taking place in spite of the Pentagon’s best efforts to thwart it.
Under Joe Biden we are no longer encouraged to love America and want what’s best for our country. It truly is a sad state of affairs.
However, just like the AMVETS were not swayed, we all must continue to stand up for our rights and freedoms and keep loving and fighting for America.
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