(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Joe Biden is the most radically progressive president to ever step foot in the White House. Everything he has done has been for the advancement of the radical left’s agenda rather than the benefit of the American people.
He has been leading the way in instituting the most pro-abortion agenda ever to face America but it looks like this particular ambition has got him in hot water with the Catholic Church, which Biden is a member of.
US Catholic Bishops have overwhelmingly approved the drafting of a “teaching document” that will serve as a rebuke of Joe Biden and other pro-abortion politicians who are members of the Catholic Church, for receiving Communion despite their support for the immoral, inhumane practice.
On Thursday, the vote went clearly in favor of the move with 168 voting in favor and 55 against. The final decision was announced on Friday at the end of the three-day meeting of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
“Supporters of the measure said a strong rebuke of Biden is needed because of his recent actions protecting and expanding abortion access, while opponents warned that such action would portray the bishops as a partisan force during a time of bitter political divisions across the country,” the Associated Press reports.
The AP went on to explain that “as a result of the vote, the USCCB’s doctrine committee will draft a statement on the meaning of Communion in the life of the church that will be submitted for consideration at a future meeting, probably an in-person gathering in November.”
In order to be formally adopted, the document would require the support of a two-thirds majority of bishops which, as of now, it appears to have.
The AP reports that one section of the document will be intended for the specific admonition of Catholic politicians and other public figures who take Communion while also disobeying church teachings on abortion an other core doctrinal issues.
During Thursday’s debate over the move, Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin, said he speaks to many people who express confusion over a Catholic president who promotes “the most radical pro-abortion agenda in history,” and asserted that action from the bishops’ conference is necessary.
“They’re looking for direction,” Hying said.
Not everyone was convinced, however, that the move was needed. Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego asserted that the USCCB would suffer “destructive consequences” from a document that specifically targeted Catholic politicians.
“It would be impossible to prevent the weaponization of the Eucharist,” McElroy said, adding that he believed such a move would make it more difficult for bishops to speak on issues such as poverty, racism and the environment.
That just sounds like an excuse not to hold Catholic politicians accountable for the hypocrisy of their behavior.
Biden, for example, attends Mass regularly, takes part in Communion and claims to personally oppose abortion but also thinks his personal beliefs should not be imposed on Americans who believe otherwise.
However, he has taken several executive actions in his short time as president that were praised by pro-abortion activists and only served to further the radical abortion agenda in America.
During a White House event regarding the COVID-19 ordeal on Friday, Biden arrogantly claimed that the bishops would not actually rebuke him and disqualify him from receiving Communion and that the matter of abortion is “private.”
“That’s a private matter, and I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Biden stated.
President Biden is asked about the Catholic Bishops moving on a resolution to prevent him from receiving communion for his support of abortion:
“That’s a private matter and I don’t think that’s going to happen.” pic.twitter.com/4pOXTwXDvO
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 18, 2021
Video: Catholic bishops advance effort to deny Biden communion
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