(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Teachers at a school in an Iowa district have been told they need to classify former President Donald Trump’s theme of “Make America Great Again” as a form of racism and white supremacy, according to slides that are part of a presentation being leaked out to the media.
According to a report from WND, Benny Johnson, a host who works for Newsmax TV, posted some of the slides on his Twitter account, labeling it as evidence that Critical Race Theory is now being used as a political weapon against the GOP.
The slides are part of a mandatory training for all educators and employees who work for the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency, which is one of the largest school districts in the state.
Noting that the former president securely won the state of Iowa by nine points in the 2020 presidential election, taking 94 out of 99 counties, teachers will now be branding the vast majority of the state’s citizens as vile racists.
LEAKED DOCUMENTS from Iowa School System show Teachers are FORCED to classify ‘Make America Great Again” as a type of “racism” & “white supremacy.”
This is done through MANDATORY Critical Race Theory training FORCED on teachers at taxpayer expense.
Trump won Iowa by +9 points pic.twitter.com/6xEuVJpv7g
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 22, 2021
Teachers of Iowa are being INSTRUCTED to classify the vast majority of Iowan children as Racist & White Supremacist.
Iowa is Trump country. Trump carried 94 out of 99 Iowa counties in 2020. The Republican Governor endorsed Trump. The Iowa Senate/House is solid Republican. pic.twitter.com/t9mhy30w1I
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 22, 2021
The presentation itself defines ‘Critical Race Theory’ as a tool for the destruction of America:
“Unlike traditional civil rights which embraces step by step progress, Critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order & principles of constitutional law” pic.twitter.com/6FWdeLbp5g
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 22, 2021
Here is more from the Presentation.
This slide shows the “Levels” of Racism – Systemic, Institutional, Interpersonal, and Internalized.
Translation: Everything is racist and you are racist for being white. pic.twitter.com/WKmiFIHdsx
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 22, 2021
“It’s not education,” Johnson went on to say, it’s “naked political vengeance using the state education system and our children’s educators.”
“At the time of the presentation in April, a bill was working its way through the Iowa legislature banning ‘mandatory diversity training for state and local government employees.’ The bill now has become law,” the WND report said.
The slide which lists “Make America Great Again” as being racist also puts the following in the same category along with it:
-Columbus Day
-American Immigration Law
-“Mass Incarceration”
-“Denying white privilege”
-Believing America is “post racial”
-Believing people are part of a “human family”
One of the slides in the presentation is “Terms for Deeper Understanding.” Teachers are supposed to find definitions for the terms at two websites which feature CRT advocates like Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi and other CRT creators such as Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado.
This slide shows “Terms for Deeper Understanding” and links to two websites that define these terms citing the biggest proponents of CRT, Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi and the creators of Critical Race Theory Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado. pic.twitter.com/bBWIkqOEoS
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 22, 2021
“Notes for the facilitator of the slide show suggest attendees be asked to question their own beliefs and ponder if they might be racist for agreeing with the term ‘Make America Great Again,’” the report said, adding, “The presentation concludes with urging instructors to ‘plan next steps for our shared learning and organizational growth in the fall.’”
The reading list also includes books such as “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo, “Racial Equity Tools Glossary,” “Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas In America” by Ibram X. Kendi, and others.
At the time of this racist training House file 802 was working its way through the Iowa legislature. This bill explicitly banned this style of derogatory, offensive training in “mandatory diversity training for state and local government employees.”
This Bill is now Iowa LAW. pic.twitter.com/tt1mo1ERiV
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 22, 2021
Folks, this is absolute proof that the folks in our education system are being controlled by progressives and are working hard to indoctrinate your children with Marxist Critical Race Theory in order to get them to hate their country, their parents, and their own liberty so they will believe the state is the only thing they should be loyal and obedient to.
Now is a good time to consider pulling your kids from public school.
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