(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are free companies and are, therefore, free to “censor” whomever they like. That’s the common argument used by leftists to excuse the biased and unfair censorship of conservatives on social media platforms.
However, the White House has just openly admitted that the Biden regime is essentially working with the Big Tech cabal to increase censorship under the guise of preventing the spread of “disinformation.”
Of course, by “disinformation” the left just means anything that goes against their agenda, whether it’s true or not.
During a press conference Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and the US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy both issued calls for Big Tech to ramp up censorship of social media posts that are “spreading disinformation.”
“There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms. All of them remain active on Facebook despite being banned on other platforms, including ones Facebook owns,” Psaki said.
“It’s important to take faster action against harmful posts,” Psaki continued. “Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, violative posts.”
PSAKI: “There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms.”
“Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, uh, violative posts.” pic.twitter.com/TlzZLyFosJ
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 15, 2021
The Biden regime doesn’t want Americans to have any access to any information regarding the truth about the dangerous, experimental “vaccines” they want to force on every American.
Psaki said that the White House “engages” with Facebook often and asked that the social media giant share “quality information sources” with users on posts with “low-quality information.”
The White House is essentially looking to establish Facebook and other social media platforms as their unofficial Ministry of Truth, which should scare the hell out of every single freedom-loving American.
The Biden regime is also using the Surgeon General’s office to track the spread of “disinformation” online and even admitted to “flagging problematic posts for Facebook.”
That doesn’t seem like a job that’s within the purview of the US Surgeon General’s office.
The White House is also asking, and probably paying, doctors and other medical professionals with large followings to push pro-vaccine propaganda.
: Jen Psaki says the Biden administration is actively flagging what they deem “disinformation” about the pandemic to Facebook for censoring.
What could go wrong?? pic.twitter.com/THz85cqi3R
— John Cooper (@thejcoop) July 15, 2021
During the press conference, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy contended that the spread of “misinformation poses an imminent and insidious threat to our nation’s health.”
He went on to say, “Health misinformation is false, inaccurate or misleading information about health according to the best information at the time.”
So, in other words, whatever the establishment decides they want the American people to be buying into is the “best information at the time.”
Dr. Murthy alleged, “Misinformation takes away our freedom to make informed decisions about our health and the health of our loved ones.”
What a stunningly ironic thing to say. So silencing opposing views, no matter how credible and accurate they are, is actually granting freedom to Americans?
He went on to contend that online “disinformation” is the reason that Americans don’t want to wear masks or get the controversial and potentially dangerous vaccines.
“Simply put, health information has cost us lives,” he stated. “Modern technology companies have enabled misinformation to poison our information environment with little accountability to their users.”
Murphy: “Surgeon General advisories are [usually] reserved for urgent public health threats. And while those threats have often been related to what we eat, drink, & smoke, today we live in a world where misinformation poses an imminent & insidious threat to our nation’s health” pic.twitter.com/RQ7syYVki9
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 15, 2021
To be more accurate, the propaganda pushed by the left is what actually has cost lives and Americans can see that plain as day. Yet, they expect us all to clamor for the truth as told by them and them alone. What a joke.
This is government sanctioned censorship and therefore a blatant violation of Americans’ First Amendment rights.
Before anyone argues “they’re private companies!” — that would only make sense if they were acting on their own accord. If they’re acting as functionaries of the federal gov’t, it’s a different matter altogether
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 15, 2021
These are state-controlled-media tactics we rightfully condemn in dictatorships. If an administration has a message to get out, let them express it. But when the government works to throttle speech with which they disagree, it has crossed a line.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) July 15, 2021
We must continue to be a free-thinking people and resist the propaganda and lies being pushed on us by the radical left and their Big Tech cabal cohorts.
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