When It Comes to COVID, You’ll Have to Pardon Us for Skepticism Toward ‘Powers-That-Be’ …

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Surge Summary: Considering the conflicting and bullying behavior of “the powers that be” concerning COVID-19 policy, is it any wonder freedom-cherising people are skeptical of them?

by Allan Erickson

The powers that be in D.C. and in the halls of public health organizations cannot by any stretch blame average people for being skeptical about COVID vaccines. We’ve been fed conflicting information about the virus for 16 months. Now we find their chief spokesman, and many of his associates, are guilty of misleading the public while profiting personally.

The powers that be condemn proven medications that once had FDA approval, pushing instead vaccines that are not approved except under emergency/experimental status. And worse, we have reports daily of thousands of people dying from vaccines, or they are suffering horrendous side effects. Is it any wonder average people have lost confidence in the powers that be, that trust is destroyed?

And what is the reaction of the powers that be? They bluster, and threatened, and force the vaccines with mandates and passports, sparking even more resistance, to the point we see mass protests in the streets in various countries. The powers that be want us to obey, yet everything they do tells us we have good reason to disobey.

Our medical status and our medical privacy and our treatment choices are OURS not yours!  Down with the dictators!

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge

Originally posted at Clashdaily.org.

Image: George Hodan; Adapted from: https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=29790&picture=woman-and-glasses

Allan Erickson—Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012, serves on the board of www.RestoreAmerica.org. He is available to speak in churches addressing the topics of faith and freedom. Register & Vote! Contact: allanlerickson@gmail.com

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