The equivalent of the US Supreme Court judges decided last Friday that from now on, parents must obtain permission to home-school from local authorities, instead of simply producing a declaration that they have opted for this form of instruction within the family as was the case to date.
Our buddy Emmanuel Macron never disappoints, absolutely never. His latest move is an attack against French families to stop home schooling, to force parents to send their children to state-run schools whether they want to or not. Macron does not want there to be a diversity of thought, and parents who wish to home school must now get permission from the state. Someone is really turning up the heat on that frog in cold water illustration.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 (KJB)
Under the new ruling supported by Macron, the French Constitutional Court has voted in favor of highly-restricting home schooling, and where they allow it, parents must first obtain permission from the French government. Can you imagine having to have approval from the government in order to be able to teach your own children as you see fit? This is what we call tyranny on the installment plan. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron promised to rule France like the Roman god Jupiter, in 2021 he is keeping that promise.
Homeschooling now restricted in Macron’s France
FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: It is in fact a general ban on home-schooling, with individual exceptions, instead of a general authorization which the authorities could retract in individual cases.
Further measures will tighten state control on France’s growing network of independent schools that receive no state funds, allowing local “préfets” – representatives of the administration in France’s “départements” or local administrative units – to decide to close such an establishment without the intervention of a judiciary judge. This network includes a large number of Catholic independent schools where traditional teaching methods are the rule, while the official Catholic schools under contract with the state have state-paid teachers and are expected to apply the public curriculum and teaching methods.
In an October speech Macron said that, “The Republic was built around the school, which trains more than individuals, which raises citizens, which shapes free spirits. This is why, I am convinced, the republic will resist through school those who want to fight or divide it, and it is through school that we will allow all our children to access knowledge, culture, to republican civility, and therefore to become fully citizens.” source
Home-schooling in France was already partially restricted in 2011 when tighter controls were set up – families who choose to home-school are normally “inspected” once a year – and the grouping of children from different families for classes was forbidden. Some 30,000 to 50,000 children are home-schooled in France at the present time.
The new legislation, which contains a wide range of dispositions against so-called “separatism,” was passed on July 23 during the extraordinary session of Parliament that also saw the adoption of the “sanitary pass” and mandatory vaccination of health workers. Public freedoms are receiving blow upon blow, and in a recent poll 43 percent of French citizens agreed with the proposition that France is becoming a “dictatorship.” READ MORE
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
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