(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – This past Sunday, which was just three days after the deadly explosions from a suicide bomber outside the the gates of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan, Joe Biden took a jaunt down to Dover Air Force Base in the state of Delaware to receive the flag draped remans of 13 U.S. service members who died in the attack.
According to Gateway Pundit, before receiving the heroes, Biden decided to take a meeting with their family members. Things didn’t really go as he had planned. In fact, things sort of blew up in his face. There’s no one who deserves this more than Joe Biden.
Most of the members of a Gold Star family walked out on Biden before they could even speak with him.
The mainstream media tried to sort of bury this part of the story, but hey, there’s always some good soul out there who reads the whole article and picks up on these little tidbits the left tries to downplay.
“The development was buried deep in an article in The Washington Post that bore a headline that would never let a cursory reader know the presidential embarrassment had even happened: ‘Biden meets with families of service members killed in Kabul as U.S. races to exit Afghanistan,’ GP says.
“The article pressed the urgency of the swiftly approaching Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline and labeled Biden’s Afghanistan pullout a “tragedy,” rounded off with “tumult and growing anger with his stewardship,” the report continues.
While everyone should be upset at the situation in Afghanistan as it’s impacting the entire country, however, if there’s anyone who should be livid with Biden over this mess, it’s those who have lost loved ones due to his poor decision making.
“Jiennah McCollum, the expectant wife of 20-year-old Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, who died in Thursday’s suicide bombing in Kabul, awaited the “dignified transfer of remains” with two of her sisters-in-law and her father-in-law, Rylee’s sister Roice told the Post,” GP stated.
Jiennah is expected to have her baby next month. She was the only person from the family to meet with Biden. The rest, according to the report by the Post, walked out of the room when the time came to meet with him. Why? Because they didn’t want to talk to the man they believe is responsible for McCollum’s death.
Kathy McCollum, the Marine’s mom, has already made clear her opinion on Biden. To say it’s not positive would be an understatement of near biblical proportions.
McCollum actually referred to Joe Biden as a “feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap.” That’s going to leave a mark, folks. But hey, you know what? She’s not wrong.
“They had months and months to remove everyone from Afghanistan, and they chose not to. And so they sent in… 6,000 troops, and my son, through the laws of statistics, my son was one of the ones who just got blown up in a freaking terrorist bomb yesterday,” McCollum said during a talk with conservative radio host Andrew Wilkow.
20 yr old Rylee McCollum was one of the 13 Marines killed in the suicide bombing in Kabul.
His mom called into @WilkowMajority & it is truly a must-listen.
Her representative @LaurenBoebert has reached out & is visiting her home. The White House has not. pic.twitter.com/xCLKIY1rU5
— Amy Tarkanian (@MrsT106) August 28, 2021
Kathy McCollum, the mother of slain U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum calls into the Wilkow Report, blames Biden for her son’s death. Calls Biden a “feckless, dementia ridden piece of crap.” pic.twitter.com/mRT2xxoV65
— Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com (@stillgray) August 28, 2021
Kathy McCollum joined @WilkowMajority after the tragic death of her son in #Afghanistan, US Marine Rylee McCollum. pic.twitter.com/NRAjPquxAn
— SiriusXM Patriot (@SiriusXMPatriot) August 28, 2021
A Biden meeting w/ the pregnant widow of one of the dead Marines didn’t go well
“It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes..”https://t.co/XTYDG5saMV pic.twitter.com/LxDyoZrXy4— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) August 30, 2021
Apparently, Biden shared the story of his son Beau with McCollum. Since Beau died from cancer, one has to wonder what that has to do with losing someone due to poor decision making by leadership.
“The Post reported that the McCollums found Biden’s words “scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in ‘total disregard to the loss of our Marine,” “‘in Roice’s words,’” the GP report added.
“You can’t f— up as bad as he did and say you’re sorry,” Roice said to the folks over at the Post.
Again, if anyone deserves to be treated like this, it’s Joe Biden. Without this man’s poor leadership, these brave souls would likely still be alive.
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