The Pineapple Express, a network of special operations veterans and contacts on the ground who came together to evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies, is moving to the next phase of their operations — getting the hundreds of Americans left behind by Joe Biden in Afghanistan to safety.
I so very much appreciate our servicemen and women who risk their lives on a daily basis to keep Americans safe at home and around the world. Their generals may have betrayed them, and their commander-in-chief may be AWOL, but God bless the American soldier. Now a group of retired veterans known as the Pineapple Express are doing what our government refuses to do, go in and rescue the hundreds of Americans left stranded in Afghanistan by Biden’s cowardly retreat and surrender to the Taliban.
“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” 2 Timothy 2:3,4 (KJB)
I was raised by a WWII veteran of the US Army Air Force, my brother a US Marine, and nearly all of my street preachers were former and active military. I consider myself to be a highly patriotic person who loves America and who seeks to help fulfill the aims set out by our Founding Fathers. Enjoy this article on the Pineapple Express, and please pray for these brave veterans who cannot sit by and do nothing while Americans remain in harm’s way. Semper fi.
Exclusive: Pineapple Express to Launch Phase II for Americans Left in Afghanistan
FROM BREITBART NEWS: “We’re having to move from what was a very network-centric starfish kind of thing to way more of a deliberate recovery. That focuses on two things, moving people to safety, getting them immediately out of harm’s way from retribution and targeting and then ultimately some of them to freedom,” said Scott Mann, a retired Green Beret who co-founded the Pineapple Express.
“Categorically, we’re looking at American citizens that are still a couple of hundred, at least, that are still in country,” he said in an interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday. “Nobody else is coming,” he said.
He said they are also looking to aid Afghan partner forces, at-risk Afghans, innovators in democracy and the arts, women, prosecutors, judges, and young girls who have participated in non-profit art endeavors.
Mann did not detail exactly what those plans were, but said he and his teammates would rely on networks in place for “years and years.”
“Green Berets are good at working by, with, and through indigenous populations and cultures, and we don’t have to be on the ground to get things done, you know, and, and that’s, that’s the bottom line,” he said.
The Pineapple Express helped to get about 700 Americans and Afghans inside the Kabul airport in three days, using a “shepherd concept.” Mann said former special operators used their contacts in and outside of Afghanistan to get people inside. He said he even received calls from inside the White House and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for help to get people out.
“I’ve had calls from inside the White House in the West Wing and the Joint Chiefs to get their people out,” he said.
Mann said it all started with one Afghan commando he has been friends with since 2010, who even went through the U.S. Special Forces qualification, or “Q,” course. The Afghan commando had applied for a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) to come to the U.S. two years ago, but it had not yet been approved.
When Kabul fell, Mann started receiving text messages from him. A small group consisting of veterans, a Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) staffer, ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek, and two active-duty Green Berets, joined together to get the Afghan commando out. READ MORE
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The post Special Ops Veterans Group ‘Pineapple Express’ Doing What Our Government Refuses To Do, Rescue The Hundreds Of Stranded Americans In Kabul appeared first on Now The End Begins.