Australia says the D10 should be embraced. It could start to consolidate the world’s leading democracies and bring in the New World Order and Ten Nation Confederacy.
The nation of Australia has been lighting up Google searches related to ‘New World Order‘, and for good reason, they have been announcing from the highest levels of their own government that they are using COVID-19 mandates to advance the….well, you know…New World Order. Their words, not mine. Oh yeah, almost forgot, they are joining something called the D10, a ten nation confederacy to advance the, you know, New World Order. Honestly, I don’t have to work all that hard at this anymore, they’re making it way too easy.
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1 (KJB)
There’s a great line in the movie ‘Field Of Dreams’, where James Earl Jones is telling Kevin Costner not worry, because “people will come and they won’t know why, it will be something they just have to do”. So it is with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the lost leaders of our combined world governments are do what they ‘just have to do’, without any understand of why they are doing it. Does Anthony Fauci understand he is a tool of the Devil, does Bill Gates, George Soros or the leaders of the godless United Nations? Does Joe Biden understand he sold his soul to the Devil for a ‘mess of pottage’? Does Australia know what it’s saying when they throw around the term ‘new world order’ like they do? Not likely, but if you are saved and read and believe your King James Bible, you certainly do know all these things, and much more.
Time for the D10 to replace the G7?
FROM AUSTRALIAN STRATEGIC POLICY INSTITUTE: The D10 makes sound strategic sense. The G7 as a forum for the leaders of the world’s largest powers to discuss strategic economic matters has long been superseded by the G20 (in 2008 after the global financial crisis). And the G7, despite ejecting Russia in 2014 for invading Ukraine, has lost much of its geopolitical rationale, not least because world power is no longer so concentrated in the Euro-Atlantic region. The Indo-Pacific is now the cockpit of the global economy and the stage for international geopolitical competition.
Australia in the New World Order
Both Dr Chant and Hazzard have referenced the New World Order. Does anyone in #Australia know what it is exactly?? pic.twitter.com/KiFx9vsQeE
— Wong Do Mein (@w0ng_d0_Me1n) September 9, 2021
Will the D10 fly? Perhaps. Reducing the G7’s Eurocentricity would almost certainly entice countries with Indo-Pacific flanks, such as Japan, the US, Canada and France (through its overseas territories). The British proposal may also prove attractive to the three prospective new members—Australia, India and South Korea—because they would get to join what would likely become the top table for the world’s leading democracies. It may even appeal to European countries like Germany and Italy by giving them a voice in a region they have little means to influence by themselves.
And what would the D10 do? For Britain, the D10 is, in part, about ‘decoupling’ from China. It is about creating a new coalition to provide an alternative to China’s attempts to dominate world markets and set international standards, particularly in relation to next-generation technologies such as 5G.
Beijing’s mishandling of the Covid-19 outbreak and subsequent attempts to revise the 1984 Sino-British agreement on Hong Kong have irked London tremendously. Only in March did the British government confirm that Huawei would be allowed to remain inside its 5G system, if only on the so-called periphery—despite fierce warnings against the move from the US and Australia. Since then, China’s actions, combined with mounting pressure from backbench Conservative parliamentarians, including the newly formed China Research Group, as well as opposition parties, have tried to persuade Prime Minister Boris Johnson to backtrack on the Huawei decision.
The UK may appear an odd architect for a new democratic alliance, particularly one centred on the Indo-Pacific. Despite its overseas territories in the Indian and Pacific oceans, and its military reach into the region, Britain is an Atlantic power. But does that necessarily matter?
As an established democracy, the UK has a track record of bolting together successful international endeavours. It played a key role in the formation of the maritime law, the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It also put in place the Indo-Pacific’s only multinational security formation—the Five Power Defence Arrangements—which Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suggested his country should join.
In any case, given the enormous and growing power that China could bring to bear against its adversaries, is it not time to think more strategically about the Indo-Pacific? Already, in terms of population, industrial yield and technological potential, China is the most powerful competitor the UK or US has ever faced. There is nothing to suggest that Xi Jinping—who became president for life in 2018—will cease his quest to dominate economically, technologically and strategically, as well as push back against liberal and democratic ideals. Are the other countries of the Indo-Pacific prepared?
The D10 should be embraced. It could start to consolidate the world’s leading democracies’ ability to uphold their autonomy and push back against authoritarian revisionists. It would help ensure that the Indo-Pacific of the 21st century remains free and open and does not become controlled and closed. READ MORE
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The post As Australia Announces That They Are Working To Advance The New World Order, They Are Also Pushing The Global D10 Ten Nation Confederacy appeared first on Now The End Begins.