(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – There is no question about it, the vaccines are dangerous. While tens of millions of Americans have been duped into getting the jabs, tens of millions more are skeptical, to say the least.
It would appear their skepticism is justified. Several doctors from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave startling testimony on Friday during a hearing on the COVID-19 vaccines. One of the highlights of this testimony was the allegation that the vaccines are actually killing more people than they are saving.
The doctors also said that the COVID “variants” are being driven by the vaccines, a conclusion those of us with working brains have already arrived at.
The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee ultimately voted 16-2 after 8 hours of testimony, shooting down Joe Biden’s hopes and dreams of imposing boosters on all Americans.
Among those that gave testimony during the hearing was Dr. Steve Kirsch, director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund. What he had to say was explosive. Every American needs to listen up.
“I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about: that the vaccines kill more people than they save,” Kirsch said via teleconference.
https://t.co/pi3TjTbjZP pic.twitter.com/Kg6cRd5gjm
— Chuck (@VikeKang) September 17, 2021
“Today, we focus almost exclusively on COVID death saves and vaccine efficacy because we were led to believe that vaccines were perfectly safe. But this is simply not true.”
“For example, there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6-month trial report,” Kirsch continued. “That wasn’t bad luck. VAERS shows heart attacks happened 71x more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”
“In all 20 people died who got the drug, 14 died who got the placebo. Few people noticed that. If the net all-cause mortality from the vaccine is negative, vaccines, boosters, and mandates are all nonsensical.” (Screen shot here).
“Even if the vaccines had a 100% protection, it still means we killed two people to save one life,” he added.
Kirsch also explained that in nursing home death data shows about half the vaccinated died, while none of the unvaccinated died.
There’s a lot of stuff, it’s 8 hours long pic.twitter.com/cu2HLKzz4f
— Chuck (@VikeKang) September 17, 2021
The information he covered is truly disturbing. He was not alone. Dr. Jessica Rose, a viral immunologist and biologist, said that based on the VAERS data the risks of the vaccines far outweighs the benefits to young people, especially children.
“There’s an over 1000% increase in the total number of adverse events for 2021 and we are not done with 2021,” Rose pointed out.
BOMBSHELL Info During Todays FDA Vax Meeting
Dr Rose States Based on The VAERS Data… The Risks Far Outweigh The Benefits Especially For Children
Over A 1000% Increase In Adverse Events In 2021!
Questions If The Shots Are Driving The Variants
Clear Failure of These Products pic.twitter.com/ju7WV1Fk2j
— Covid-1984 (@NeverSleever) September 17, 2021
She also suggested that the COVID-19 variants are actually being driven by the vaccines.
“The emergence of both of these variants and their subsequent clustering arose in very close temporal proximity to the rollout of the COVID products in Israel,” she said.
“Israel is one of the most injected countries, and it appears from this data that this represents a clear failure of these products to provide protective immunity against emergent variants and to prevent transmission,” she noted.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman, an ER physician from New Orleans, brought up the fact that there is not enough large-scale clinical trial data to assure well-informed unvaccinated Americans that the vaccines do not pose a risk to their health.
An ER physician from New Orleans, Dr. Joseph Fraiman, noted not enough large-scale clinical trial data exists to assure well-informed unvaccinated Americans that their risk of experiencing vaccine side effects is lower than their chance of being hospitalized.
“Demand the booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalizations,” Fraiman told the FDA panel. “Without this data, we, the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-COVID vaccine activists who publicly claim that vaccines harm more than they save, especially in the young and healthy.”
“The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all,” he added.
It’s encouraging to see that these doctors actually presented real data and acted accordingly. No one should be receiving any “boosters” for COVID-19 especially until the shots can be proven to be safe and effective.
Despite the Biden regime’s plans to force boosters on all Americans who have already taken two COVID shots, the FDA did what was right and shot down the boosters, for now.
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