(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Apparently, Saturdays are for chanting “F*** Joe Biden!” Despite the fact that the lying mainstream media has insisted for five years that President Trump was hated by Americans and was incredibly unpopular, we don’t remember a time when stadiums full of college students all over the country chanted “F*** Donald Trump!”
Yet, the “F*** Joe Biden” chant has become a movement, popping up in stadiums, casinos, concerts and any other venue or event that people gather at. There’s no denying it, Americans truly hate Joe Biden.
When President Trump makes an appearance anywhere, whether it’s a UFC fight, a rally, or a football game, he is met with thunderous applause and cheers. The crowds chant things like “USA!” and “We Want Trump!”
It is abundantly clear that President Trump is still wildly popular and loved by Americans everywhere.
Meanwhile, the usurper in the White House, who supposedly “won” 81 million votes in the 2020 presidential election, is being cussed out at events all across the country in what can only be described as a movement.
Another weekend has seen numerous NCAA football stadiums erupt in “F*** Joe Biden” chants. After starting in college football stadiums, the chant is now breaking out literally anywhere people congregate.
This is the second weekend in a row that several videos have emerged of college football fans yelling the now dubbed “FJB” chant.
— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) September 20, 2021
The chant is popping up all over the country from Penn State University to South Dakota, New York City, New Mexico and Tennessee. Dozens of videos have now emerged of the catchy slogan being chanted.
Concert-goers at Luke Bryan and Brantley Gilbert shows broke out the chant, resulting in both country music performers to join in at separate events.
FUCK JOE BIDEN pic.twitter.com/uJDOo1W1Vq
— Michael Lau K
(@Qturmp17MAGA) September 20, 2021
Fuck Joe Biden chant at Brantley Gilbert concert in West Virginia
— OKIE PATRIOT 76 (@okiepatriot_76) September 13, 2021
The chant broke out in a casino for gamblers to enjoy and even join in on:
— LUCA (@NacLucacrispino) September 20, 2021
If ever there was an appropriate place for the FJB chant to erupt it would be New York City. Protesters in iconic Times Square broke out in the chant over the weekend:
It was a beautiful day to rage #fuckjoebiden pic.twitter.com/awAgtzdlaC
— J. Lee (@jbrowns_body) September 18, 2021
One anti-vaxxer, who implied the vaccine mandate was like Nazi Germany, held two signs with a swastika and text that said: ‘How did the Nazis do it? They said the Jews were diseased. ‘What happened to “Never again?!”‘ pic.twitter.com/MHnQ5B8B9M
— Space-reporter-news (@Spacereportern1) September 19, 2021
Pole dancer performing at the Medical Freedom Rally in NYC (09-18-2021) pic.twitter.com/r1jPxn23iD
— LukeCityFlix (@LukeCityFlix) September 18, 2021
NYC medical freedom rally (09-18-2021) pic.twitter.com/zZlzY3Xtk2
— LukeCityFlix (@LukeCityFlix) September 19, 2021
America stands for freedom as thousands of protesters march in New York City against the vaccine mandate at The World Freedom Rally
#freedomrally pic.twitter.com/UGvN6p6C5o
— Heather
????? ???
(@HeatherG_1776) September 18, 2021
At the World Freedom rally in Time Square in NYC. 1000s Protesters against the mandatory shot hug each other with no fear of the Rona #Covid_19 #NYC #LOVE #freedomrally pic.twitter.com/bMXzAIbApX
— Leeroy Johnson (@LeeroyPress) September 18, 2021
A large crowd in Sioux Falls, South Dakota joined in on the movement:
It’s a movement!!
#fuckjoebiden #southdakota #siouxfalls pic.twitter.com/JjD28RW74O— Andrew Rokusek (@andrewrokusek) September 20, 2021
Dayton University students became a “member” of the movement:
Dayton University is a proud member of the #FJB Movement. pic.twitter.com/logJZWIK5H
— Blackburn Review©®
(@BlackburnReview) September 13, 2021
Now this is a boat.
#fuckjoebiden pic.twitter.com/cZoWBxiepo
(@Flagtr2000Jeff) September 18, 2021
FJB Movement!
— JonCover (@JonCover2) September 13, 2021
Americans’ sentiments towards Joe Biden are pretty clear. Even with all the raging, unhinged liberals who ranted and raved about their hatred of President Trump, there was still never a united movement around the country of angry Americans chanting “F*** Donald Trump.”
WYOMING pic.twitter.com/ZkQVB7y7JL
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 18, 2021
TENNESSEE pic.twitter.com/pkGX52XPGB
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 18, 2021
KENTUCKY pic.twitter.com/kbWIRz5l6u
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 18, 2021
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 12, 2021
Fuck Joe Biden!
— Art TakingBack
(@ArtValley818_) September 11, 2021
Never been happier for #RollTide#FuckJoeBiden pic.twitter.com/4VHYDoMngC
— ?????? ??????
(@MinteeKneeze) September 11, 2021
So I guess this is become a regular thing?
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 12, 2021
The Alabama student section is chanting “F*** Joe Biden” in between plays.
— Aaron Suttles (@AaronSuttles) September 11, 2021
FUCK JOE BIDEN! The best new tradition! @OldrowAuburn pic.twitter.com/x6W5aVq8Te
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 11, 2021
Fuck Joe Biden from @OldRowVols! pic.twitter.com/jIEJYNsL8k
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 11, 2021
FUCK @JoeBidenpic.twitter.com/t8b4lEJCq1
— قدرت مردم (@powerpeople_) September 4, 2021
chant, this time at the Virginia Tech game
@OldRowHokies pic.twitter.com/CD4ObCqTaK
— Old Row Sports (@OldRowSports) September 4, 2021
chant from this weekend
this time at Auburn @OldrowAuburn pic.twitter.com/mBGA64FUwA
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 4, 2021
A fourth “Fuck Joe Biden” chant at @OldRowAggies! pic.twitter.com/o3lgm3MHwx
— Old Row Sports (@OldRowSports) September 5, 2021
chant this weekend
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 5, 2021
Fuck Joe Biden is becoming our national catchphrase.
Say it loud, I say it proud,#FuckJoeBiden
— Uncensored USA
(@CarlosSimancas) September 12, 2021
This weekend tens of thousands of people chanted “FU*K JOE BIDEN” at dozens of events across the country.
Joe Biden has become synonymous with “The Establishment” that destroys all joy in life. It is punk rock to fight against Joe.
This is a good trend pic.twitter.com/nQneU5KDpZ
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 7, 2021
Crowd is chanting “We Want Trump” and then goes into “**** Joe Biden” pic.twitter.com/aLMoxXCxuv
— Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) September 12, 2021
The crowd at the Holyfield v. Belfort just started chanting “WE WANT TRUMP” and “FUCK JOE BIDEN”
This was Trump’s reaction: pic.twitter.com/HIvJ5DBIQP
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 12, 2021
Best part of the @gioandtheguns concert was when everyone started chanting fuck Joe Biden
— Emily Foley (Hamlin) (@EmFoley1) September 5, 2021
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 5, 2021
chant, in liberal Austin of all places! pic.twitter.com/gbPaE43Tda
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 6, 2021
at the first Coastal Carolina football game@OldRowCcu pic.twitter.com/D4dwxs2sEE
— Old Row Sports (@OldRowSports) September 3, 2021
It’s amazing what happens when everything you touch turns to shit. https://t.co/GEy7JaSGQW
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 6, 2021
At the end of the day, you can only prop up a fraud so much.
Joe Biden has been propped up by the Fake News, Big Tech, and Fake suppression polls, but you can’t fool the American people!
And we all know he didn’t get 81 million votes! pic.twitter.com/4zKlinIGNg
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) September 8, 2021
The biggest proof that Joe Biden did not legitimately win the presidency has always been all around us. He’s incredibly unpopular and disliked and the lying mainstream media propaganda pushers can deny it all they want but Americans are proving it’s the truth every chance we get.
Donald Trump is announced as cheers erupt in the Superdome at the CFP National Championship Game pic.twitter.com/8fv53PQR9t
— Barrett Sallee (@BarrettSallee) January 14, 2020
IT WAS A COMPLETE STANDING OVATION For Donald Trump & First Lady Melania Trump Offered Up By The 106,000 Fans Assembled For The The Alabama/ LSU Football Game! God Bless America!! @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/lSThDDDCJR
— Flightcrew
(@flightcrew) November 10, 2019
This is what the Fake News Media won’t show you
Over the weekend, President Trump received a standing ovation at the Alabama vs LSU game…
This is what respecting our President looks like.pic.twitter.com/CjPG0jy37t
— Tea Party Patriots (@TPPatriots) November 11, 2019
ENTER SANDMAN.ABSOLUTE CHILLS. @HokiesFB pic.twitter.com/jRnd97Xs1R
— ACC Network (@accnetwork) September 3, 2021
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