Wednesday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” billionaire Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates said “he’s dead” when asked about what lesson he learned from his previously admitted “mistake” of meeting with now-deceased convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
For years now, Bill Gates under the cover of his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation charity, have given away hundreds of millions of dollars in “grants” to news outlets so they’ll say nice things about him. For the most part that has worked out pretty good. They all pretend he’s a virologist and an epidemiologist working purely from his love for humanity to cure the world of all diseases, and rarely pointing out he makes hundreds of billions in profit from doing so. So imagine Bill Gates’ shock when he was confronted yesterday about his ‘close, personal relationship’ with Jeffrey Epstein that began after Epstein was convicted of being a pedophile.
“Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” Ecclesiastes 8:11 (KJB)
The best part of the interview was when Judy Woodruff asked Gates if he had “learned anything” about having a relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Gates simply said “well, he’s dead…” and his voice trailed off. I wonder if Bill Gates was thinking in that moment that the whole reason why his wife Melinda left him was because of what she knew about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. How many more hundreds of millions will it take to keep that information secret?
Bill Gates on ‘Lesson’ Learned from Jeffrey Epstein Mistake: ‘Well He’s Dead’
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Anchor Judy Woodruff said, “You had a number of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, who — when you met him 10 years ago — he was convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors. What did you know about him when you were meeting with him, as you’ve said yourself, in the hopes of raising money?”
Up to June of 2020, Bill Gates has ploughed no less than $250 million in foundation grants into mainstream journalism. Takers include BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, Financial Times, The Atlantic, Gannett News, and Le Monde – to name only a few. Many other mainstream outlets are pocketing money for ‘contracts’ they have with the Gates Foundation, including Vox. source
Gates said, “You know, I had dinners with him. I regret doing that. He had relationships with people he said would give to global health, which is an interest I have. Not nearly enough philanthropy goes in that direction. Those meetings were a mistake. They didn’t result in what he purported, and I cut them off. You know, that goes back a long time ago now. So there’s nothing new on that.”
Woodruff said, “It was reported that you continued to meet with him over several years and, in other words, a number of meetings. What did you do when you found out about his background?”
Gates said, “I said I regretted having those dinners, and there’s nothing, absolutely nothing new on that.”
Woodruff pressed, “Is there a lesson for you, for anyone else looking at this?”
Gates said, “Well, he’s dead, so. You know, in general, you always have to be careful. And you know, I’m very proud of what we’ve done, very proud of the work of the foundation. That’s what I get up every day and focus on.” READ MORE
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