(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – One of the unexpected consequences of the tyrannical mandates for both vaccines and masks that the radical left in this country have tried to force down everyone’s throat is the awakening of patriots all across the land that were content to have been silent until now.
A new report from the Gateway Pundit reveals that a whopping 871 firefighters from Los Angeles have filed a notice of intent to sue due to the current coronavirus vaccine mandate. This group of firefighters are facing a mandate that demands they get completely vaccinated by October 20th.
The staggering 871 plaintiffs are demanding $2 million each, or a total of $1.7 billion among them.
News outlet KTLA recently spoke with a few of the individuals who are involved in this lawsuit. Several of them stated they already had the coronavirus and think they have antibodies. Others stated that they have concerns about potential adverse reactions to the vaccine.
One of the firefighters said that the lawsuit and taking a stand against the mandate is really about protecting due process and a person’s individual rights. LA City Attorney Mike Feuer delivered a response to the notice, saying, “the US Supreme Court and courts across the country have upheld vaccine mandates… I’m confident we will prevail.”
These firefighters aren’t the only ones who are taking a mighty stand against the tyranny of vaccine mandates.
Air traffic controllers in the city of Jacksonville have apparently joined with a bunch of pilots from Southwest Airlines by walking out last Friday evening as a means of protesting COVID vaccinations, according to a report from Gateway Pundit.
“In addition, according to one source air traffic controllers staged a walkout in Jacksonville in response to the vaccine mandate being forced on them,” the report said.
BREAKING: Air Traffic Controllers In Jacksonville, FL Staged A Walkout Yesterday In Response To The Vaccine Mandate
It’s Being Reported That All Flights In & Out Of FL Were Cancelled As A Result
Mainstream Media Chose Not To Report On This As Of Yet pic.twitter.com/DCSqh8M1eq
— HeadlineHunter! Alerts (@freehumanity911) October 9, 2021
Receipts: https://t.co/wgk2zzipxR
— Tom Sauer (@thomasbsauer) October 9, 2021
And guess how many mainstream media outlets have covered these strikes and protests? Not many at all, if any. Why? Because they don’t want to see all of this patriotism spread across the country and inspire others to boldly stand against the tyranny we see being pushed on us by the Biden administration and other Democratic Party tyrants in positions of power. We are all getting fed up with all of this nonsense and we are making it clear we will not stand for this invasion of privacy, nor will we surrender our freedom.
It’s time for the left to end their attempted power grabs and remember its place.
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