(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – While the US military is shoving experimental COVID-19 vaccines down the throats of its service members, the real risk is suicide.
Far more US Army active-duty service members have died from suicide than from the supposedly dangerous and deadly COVID-19 virus yet the greater prevention measures are being focused on the Chinese virus rather than suicide.
Infowars reports that suicides among the Armed Forces have skyrocketed by 46% as compared to the same period last year.
“The Defense Department revealed that 60 active-duty US Army personnel members took their own lives in that period as compared to 41 in the previous year. The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of 67 military personnel since the start of the health crisis,” the report says, adding, “139 both active and reserve military personnel died of suicide in the same quarter as compared to 130 last year.”
Pentagon: 46% spike in suicide among U.S. Army’s active-duty forces in Q2 compared to same period last year pic.twitter.com/ukOxqNEjFO
— Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) October 13, 2021
Data from the Pentagon’s standardised surveillance released in Sept., shows there were 580 suicides in 2020 compared to 504 from the year before.
The Army National Guard troops saw a 35% increase from 76 in 2019 to 103 last year while active-duty Army military saw an increase of nearly 20% and the Marine Corps recorded a 30% increase.
“The findings are troubling. Suicide rates among our service members and military families are still too high, and the trends are not going in the right direction,” said Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin in a statement accompanying the release of the annual Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER) for the 2020 calendar year.
Austin added that the suicide rates remain a challenge for the department and promised to “provide all of our people with the care and the resources they need, to reduce stigmas and barriers to care, and to ensure that our community uses simple safety measures and precautions to reduce the risk of future tragedies.”
Does that include forcing them to take an experimental vaccine and threatening, punishing and silencing anyone who dares speak out against the fraudulent Biden regime?
At least they can admit that the absurd “mitigation” efforts in response to COVID have likely contributed to an increase in suicides. The current state of affairs in the US is certainly not helping anyone’s mental health.
During a press briefing, Army Maj. Gen. Clement S. Coward, acting executive director of the Office of Force Resiliency, said, “When we start talking about the data and what it could indicate, we have always known that COVID and the measures to respond to it have presented unique challenges that would include risk factors for some folks. That’s why we’re not only continuing to monitor this, but we’re also continuing to be relentless to mitigate the [effects] as much as we can.”
It appears that when the very people who are supposed to be protecting and defending freedom in America actively work to snuff out freedom, it has a highly negative and damaging effect on real people.
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