Alec Baldwin Tried to Pimp His Pre-Teen Daughter, Ireland, in 2007

Donald J. Trump’s investigation into the Alec Baldwin shooting has unearthed a sickening morsel of information that had gone unreported for 14 years. In 2007, Alec Baldwin made headlines after a heated voicemail, sent to his daughter Ireland, became a matter of public record. On it, a maniacal Alec Baldwin called Ireland, who was 11 at the time, a “rude, thoughtless little pig” and every cruel name under the sun because, Alec would later claim, she had missed a scheduled phone call with him.

But Trump’s investigators, who are currently probing the Baldwin shooting and interviewing associates and friends of the family, accidentally stumbled upon the real reason Baldwin verbally eviscerated his young daughter.

Investigators on Monday spoke with actress Kim Bassinger, Baldwin’s estranged ex-wife and Ireland’s mother. They had hoped to learn whether Alec Baldwin had ever expressed a desire to murder someone in real life and not just in movies.

Bassinger, however, had something else to confess.

She told investigators that Baldwin cussed out their daughter because she refused to participate in a “daughter swapping” arrangement with other high-profile, Hollywood celebrities.

Bassinger told investigators that she had taken a vow of silence on the issue, to protect Alec and Ireland from media scrutiny, but now felt compelled to disclose the truth in the wake of the shooting of Halyna Hutchins, as it gave her an “enlightened perspective” as to who Alec Baldwin really is.

“So, of course I didn’t want Ireland, a little girl then, involved in this pervasive sickness that’s engulfed the industry. You know what Alec told me? ‘Everyone’s doing it,’ is what he said. I told him ‘hell no we wouldn’t go along with that’ and he still tried to pressure Ireland into visiting his friends. That’s what he called it,” Bassinger told investigators.

She added that sections of the infamous voicemail had been expunged, never made public. The complete recording, according to her, had Alec Baldwin saying, “You will listen to daddy, and you will play with his friends like a good, little girl.”

Bassinger said she regretted not having taken a tougher stance against Alec.

When investigators asked her for the names of celebrities with whom Alec wanted to swap daughters, Bassinger clammed up, saying she hoped Alec pays for his crimes, but that she would not incur the wrath of abhorrent celebrities still active in the “child swapping” industry.

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