(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – The federal government has been busy making domestic terrorists out of any American who even so much as thinks vaccine mandates infringe on our freedoms and that schools should be for educating not indoctrinating.
The National School Boards Association sent a letter to the Biden regime earlier this month asking for FBI involvement to combat attacks made against school boards around the country.
Of course, the Biden DOJ made it very clear they planned to answer the call and made sure to leave the terminology regarding what parents would be considered threats very open and vague.
Now, the National School Boards Association has issued an apology for asking the Biden regime to intervene and label concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.”
On Friday, the NSBA sent a letter to the Biden administration saying, “On behalf of the NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter. To be clear, the safety of school board members, other public school officials and educators, and students is our top priority, and there remains important work to be done on this issue. However, there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.”
The latest correspondence comes just a day after the Washington Free Beacon obtained emails showing that the NSBA and the Biden regime had been colluding all along in targeting American parents.
EXCLUSIVE: National School Board Association officials collaborated with the White House in the weeks before the release of the infamous “domestic terrorism” letter.
NSBA board members were upset by the letter, emails show, saying it enflamed tensions https://t.co/eQZ8pCpFWp
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 21, 2021
FOIA’ed emails show the Biden White House KNEW about the letter asking DOJ to treat concerned parents as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.
Rep. Roy entered that information into the Congressional Record today
More: https://t.co/96alGeeBAV
[Video] pic.twitter.com/2XdtQnsAR4
— Rep. Chip Roy Press Office (@RepChipRoy) October 21, 2021
“We deeply value…the voices of parents, who should and must continue to be heard when it comes to decisions about their children’s education, health and safety.”
It’s no wonder the NSBA is walking back their original letter. After the Attorney General Merrick Garland announced he was more than happy to classify concerned parents as domestic terrorists, several states took action, withdrawing their NSBA memberships.
Breaking: In the wake of yesterday’s @FreeBeacon report, National School Board Association announces “we regret and apologize for the letter” to Biden admin characterizing concerned parents as potentially domestic terrorists pic.twitter.com/3RBufvWqAN
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) October 23, 2021
20 state school boards associations have distanced themselves from the National School Boards Association (and some have pulled funding) for their letter suggesting some parents should be labeled as domestic terrorists
Now the NSBA says: “We regret and apologize for the letter.”
— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) October 23, 2021
NON Apology not accepted. You colluded with the White House. If you really regretted and apologized where are ALL the resignations?
— VoiceofReason (@voicesofreason6) October 23, 2021
Too late, mask is off. Parents are not going to forget they were called domestic terrorists..
— Kold (@1_Kold_1) October 23, 2021
No no no no. They don’t get to collude with the WH to get the AG to classify parents of school children “domestic terrorists” and then just say “sorry” and walk away. That’s not how this is going to go away.
— James Baker (@JDtheDJ2004) October 23, 2021
“We’re sorry we got caught.”
— Jim in Virginia (@jiminvirginia) October 23, 2021
“We regret we got caught.” Fixed it for them.
— Ann Marie
(@TheBoudicca) October 23, 2021
Ohio and Missouri were among these states. The Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) cited the letter to the Biden regime as the reason for their withdrawal.
Missouri did the same. Check it out -> https://t.co/SZHX0TiS09
— ABC 17’s Zach Boetto (@ABC17Zach) October 26, 2021
Missouri also severed ties with the radical national organization.
ABC17 reported:
The Missouri School Board Association board of directors has withdrawn the association’s participation in the National School Boards Association due to the NSBA’s recent actions, including the letter to the White House.
Officials say the NSBA has demonstrated it does not currently align with MSBA’s guiding principles of local governance.
In a release, the MSBA said that they “also believe no school board member or educator should ever have to endure threats of violence or acts of intimidation against themselves or their families for making these difficult decisions,” but stated that getting the federal government involved should not be the “first step in most cases.”
They also called the move “antithetical to our long-standing tradition of local control” and said the NSBA’s original letter to the Biden regime contained “inflammatory terms” that are “not a model for promoting greater civility and respect for the democratic process.”
Thank God there are still Americans with a backbone willing to stand up for what is right and fight against wrong. While the NSBA may seemingly “regret” their original letter, the damage has already been done.
With vaccine mandates for children ages 5 to 11 right around the corner we can only hope that doesn’t spell disaster for concerned parents coast to coast.
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