(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Woke leftists are having an all-out meltdown over the insanely popular “Let’s Go Brandon” chant that has taken the country by storm. The chant has become the PG version of the more adult “F*** Joe Biden” chant that started it all.
The idea that Joe Biden is somehow the most popular president in US history is true in a sense. It certainly is a popular thing around the country to chant his name (whether it be Joe Biden or Brandon), though not in the way that crazed liberals would prefer.
Joe Biden is popular alright. He’s the man most Americans love to hate and for good reason. The “Let’s Go Brandon” and “F*** Joe Biden” chants have become a way for Americans to express their discontent with the current regime in a way that Big Tech just can’t stop or censor.
On Friday, the unhinged, liberal blue-checkmarks in the Twitterverse went into hysterics after a Southwest Airlines pilot dared to utter the “Let’s Go Brandon” phrase while signing off after updating passengers on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque.
A reporter from the Associated Press “broke the story” and reported that there were audible “gasps” from passengers on the plane when the unnamed pilot said, “We’re heading east at about 107 or 108 mph. Clear visibility, mostly clear skies, about 77 degrees. Thanks for coming out, flying Southwest Airlines, welcome home and remember, ‘Let’s go Brandon.’”
A video of the recording was posted to TikTok and the woke leftist mob sprung into action on Twitter calling for the pilot’s head and reveling in their indignation over the incident.
AP reporter Colleen Long was supposedly on the flight and had been working on covering the “Let’s Go Brandon” chant phenomenon. After hearing the pilot utter it she immediately attempted to get a “comment” from him which, according to one passenger, turned into a terrifying incident.
Also in defense of airline I was asking them to open locked cock pit and probably sounded insane!
— Colleen Long (@ctlong1) October 30, 2021
Hello @SouthwestAir – I’d like to clear this up. I was a passenger on the flight in question. There was a young kid on the flight next to me with his mother who told me he was on his way for a bone marrow transplant. His name was Brandon and the flight attendant was aware of this
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 30, 2021
Also I’d like to state that the woman claiming to be a “reporter” was very disruptive to the flight and attempted to use a beverage cart to break down the pilots safety locked door. It terrified the entire plane. The pilot remained very calm and we were all relieved. Thank you.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 30, 2021
Whoops. https://t.co/p6pI3SRbm2
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) October 31, 2021
Long certainly seems like a typical, unstable leftist.
The blue check liberals had a field day on Twitter over the incident calling on Southwest to immediately fire the pilot or risk a “boycott.” Only one problem there; when companies go woke, they go broke. Southwest should have absolutely no fear over the empty threats of hysterical leftists.
Check out some of the hilarity:
Let me be clear @SouthwestAir we need a firing right now of the pilot who thought he was going to disrespect the @potus while being paid by you. Figure it out. #BoycottSWAirlines
— Regina Marston (@Marston4ca42) October 31, 2021
Your pilot cussed out the President during a flight, Gary. No more @SouthwestAir til you fix that mess. https://t.co/jvepitbAmO
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) October 30, 2021
If @SouthwestAir doesn’t do anything, every passenger on that flight has standing to file a complaint with the @FAANews and they should do so. Southwest will then be compelled to investigate or defend him. Have fun with that. No messing around in the air. Bright line rule. https://t.co/L7VlZWJ0SU
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 30, 2021
As an experiment, I’d love for an @SouthwestAir pilot to say “Long live ISIS” before taking off. My guess is that 1) the plane would be immediately grounded; 2) the pilot fired; and 3) a statement issued by the airline within a matter of hours
— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) October 31, 2021
I’m going to be clear. Either @SouthwestAir fired that pilot who said “Let’s Go Brandon” or the boycott is on like donkey Kong.
— Regina Marston (@Marston4ca42) October 31, 2021
It’s bad enough Southwest Airlines doesn’t offer assigned seats. I don’t also need MAGA pilots mocking the passengers and stirring up hate in the cabin.
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) October 31, 2021
Donald Trump tried to overthrow American democracy and at least one Southwest Airlines pilot thinks that’s just fine. https://t.co/zSuSGsdlA8
— S.V. Dáte (@svdate) October 31, 2021
seriously @SouthwestAir? https://t.co/RHStuOOUp1
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 30, 2021
The pilot either has a bad sense of irony, is an asshole, maybe drunk, or has anger management problems. This is that lull period of time when a company thinks they can hide it out, but it’s just a brewing storm. @SouthwestAir, find out what ails your pilot. @FAANews https://t.co/OGAHcXu9lH
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) October 30, 2021
Fortunately, not everyone on Twitter agreed with the outrage over a pilot uttering the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon.” Is this not still the United States of America? Land of the free?
.@SouthwestAir, don’t cave to the woke mob. Let’s Go Brandon is being chanted at stadiums across America and was the #1 song in the country. Brandon is polling at 42%. No one likes Brandon. https://t.co/cK6n3EdceU
— Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) October 31, 2021
Are people not allowed to criticize the government anymore? Is this China?
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) October 30, 2021
Interesting to see what @SouthwestAir does…
Libs are making it a test. They want the pilot fired to show that dissent is never allowed.
SWA’s move is to say “We will handle all personnel matters informally,” and nothing more. The libs will move on to a soft target.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) October 30, 2021
Joe Biden promised to bring “unity” after usurping the White House via the stolen 2020 election. It looks like he’s actually accomplished that. Americans certainly do seem pretty united in their hate for him.
NBC reporter attempts desperate damage control as crowd chants “F Joe Biden” pic.twitter.com/1iYZel4zFT
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) October 3, 2021
Let’s Go Brandon!
Airline sources: mass “sickout” @FAANews center in Jacksonville – caused ripple effect and 1000+ flight cancellations mostly effecting @SouthwestAir – report “sickout” protesting #VaccineMandate
— Leland Vittert (@LelandVittert) October 10, 2021
ATC issues and disruptive weather have resulted in a high volume of cancellations throughout the weekend while we work to recover our operation. We appreciate your patience as we accommodate affected Customers, and Customer Service wait times are longer than usual. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/o1scQJ5lLb
— Southwest Airlines (@SouthwestAir) October 9, 2021
This is all untrue info. This is not due to weather… All of our flights have been cancelled because employees are walking out due to the vaccine mandate. We were notified at midnight our second flight was cancelled and they won’t allow me to cancel the first leg. On hold 3.5 hrs
— Cindi Turner (@lognsmom) October 10, 2021
Don’t try telling anyone that their flight was cancelled due to weather. I dont see a storm covering the entire country???? pic.twitter.com/yWKU0kglRS
— Brendan Mummy (@bdawg_argh) October 9, 2021
ONLY canceled flights are @SouthwestAir. This is NOT related to ATC OR WEATHER. pic.twitter.com/BuKek4Wo7A
— lee mcmurray (@HotOffload) October 9, 2021
BREAKING: Air Traffic Controllers In Jacksonville, FL Staged A Walkout Yesterday In Response To The Vaccine Mandate
It’s Being Reported That All Flights In & Out Of FL Were Cancelled As A Result
Mainstream Media Chose Not To Report On This As Of Yet pic.twitter.com/DCSqh8M1eq
— HeadlineHunter! Alerts (@freehumanity911) October 9, 2021
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