LOST SOULS: Horror As 8 Dead With Hundreds More Injured At Illuminati Astroworld Music Festival In Texas Organized By Satanist Travis Scott

Eight die and hundreds more ‘as young as ten’ are injured when 50,000-strong crowd surges towards stage as Travis Scott performs at Astroworld Festival

The marketing materials for the 2021 Astroworld Music Festival in Houston, Texas invites you to ‘open your eyes to a whole new universe’, with images of people falling headlong into a fiery, red hole until the watchful gaze of the All-Seeing Eye so loved by the Illuminati. Yesterday, 8 souls experienced first hand what it’s like to fall into that fiery, red hole, with hundreds more injured. We warned you about satanist Travis Scott and Astroworld back in 2019, the one where Marilyn Manson sang ‘Antichrist Superstar’ live on stage. Nothing’s changed.

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” 2 Peter 2:19 (KJB)

My heart breaks for the families and loved ones of the 8 people who were killed at Astroworld yesterday, it truly does, but I am in no way surprised that this happened. When you create a musical event to glorify Lucifer, who was the first musician, don’t be surprised when he shows up and demands a sacrifice. The god of this world is getting ready to make a personal appearance, and he will find willing followers who had already been prepped to receive him.

Houston Astroworld: at least 8 dead after ‘panic’ at music festival

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: At least eight people have died and hundreds more injured after thousands of revelers surged towards the stage at rapper Travis Scott’s sold-out Astroworld Festival in Texas despite the rapper calling for help – as the rapper’s pregnant girlfriend Kylie Jenner posted a video of an ambulance in the crowd.


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An estimated 50,000 people showed up for the two-day event, which was cancelled last year due to Covid. But Friday night’s show was called off after chaos broke out just after 9pm local time, and the music festival’s second day has now been scrapped. Before the surge even happened KTRK reported that hundreds of revelers – who did not appear to have tickets – stormed the event’s VIP entrance around 2pm local time on Friday. Video showed the crowd of youngsters surging through metal detector arches, with at least one also seen jumping an adjoining fence.

Yet the stampede did not appear to be related to the multiple injuries related Friday night and around seven hours later, at 9.15pm, the fatal surge took place, Houston Fire Chief Samuel Pena said, with people at the back pushing people in front of the main stage forward, crushing them against barriers.

Pena explained: ‘The crowd began to compress toward the front of the stage, and people began to panic.’

An Instagrammer who claimed to have been at the concert and said she climbed onto the cameraman’s platform to plead for help alleged that the crush was like watching a ‘Jenga tower topple,’ and said fellow concertgoers were ‘drowning in people’.

‘Breathing became something only a few were capable of,’ she described, recalling that ‘the music continued’ as ‘the shoving got harder and harder…and people began to choke one another as the mass swayed’.

‘We knew there was a very big chance some of us would not make it out alive,’ she wrote in an Instagram post captioned: ‘I can’t write anymore. To all the lost souls tonight, you were robbed.’ READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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