(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – After almost two years of this coronavirus pandemic garbage, it should be very clear that there’s no way this whole mess is going to be allowed to finally go away until Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally removed from his post and replaced with someone who has a vested interest in actually making sure the people of this country are properly informed about the illness.
For over a year now, Fauci has been blocking successful treatments for COVID and over-promising on the effectiveness of vaccines that have proven themselves to essentially be useless. But hey, at least Big Pharma companies like Pfizer have fattened their bank accounts, right?
According to a report from Gateway Pundit, Fauci told the folks over at the NY Times podcast that the vaccines don’t actually work as they were promised and that Americans are actually in danger due to their waning immunity.
But yeah, go ahead and keep pumping those boosters in your veins, folks.
The solution that Fauci is proposing, of course, is more shots. Is this madness ever going to end? At this rate, probably not. And that’s been the plan from the start.
Yahoo.com said in a recent report, “On Nov. 12, White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD, went on The New York Times’ podcast The Daily to discuss the current state of the coronavirus in the U.S. According to Fauci, officials are now starting to see some waning immunity against both infection and hospitalization several months after initial vaccination. The infectious disease expert pointed toward incoming data from Israel, which he noted tends to be about a month to a month and a half ahead of us in terms of the outbreak.”
“They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci went on to say during the interview. “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”
“As a result of these findings, Fauci warned that vaccinated people should get their booster shot, as it might actually be more important than health officials first realized. ‘If one looks back at this, one can say, do you know, it isn’t as if a booster is a bonus, but a booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have,’ he said on The Daily,” according to the report.
Fauci then stated, “I think … that the boosting is gonna be an absolutely essential component of our response, not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program.”
You can listen to the whole podcast here:
And it seems that Fauci isn’t the only one who is saying that the vaccine is becoming not only useless, but dangerous to the health of the general public.
According to a report from TeaParty.org, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seemed to have a slip of the tongue, stating “people are dying from the vaccine,” which, when you consider the fact the coronavirus has a 99 percent survival rate, means that the supposed protection against this illness is worse than the sickness itself.
“In an awkward Freudian slip, CDC Director and globalist shill Rochelle Walensky mentioned the deaths that are resulting from the COVID vaccines before realizing what she said and correcting course,” the report said. “The slip up happened during an interview with PBS News Hour last month.”
Oops. https://t.co/z7iZtYxadJ
— Blue Canaries (@CanariesBlue) November 8, 2021
“…Our death rates are too high, here’s what we know,” Walensky teed up her next statement. “We know that people who are dying from this vacc-,” she went on to say before quickly attempting to correct herself, “from this, uh, disease are 11-fold more likely to pass…”
Walensky apparently, somewhere in the back of her mind, knows that this vaccine is dangerous and that people are being injured or even killed by it. But instead of doing the right thing and truly showing concern for the health of the American people, she, along with Big Pharma has turned them into lab rats for their experimental vaccine.
“Houston, we have a problem”
Why is it that we first hearing from the BMJ, rather than the FDA about these issues?
Has the FDA not been aware of these issues?
What does this say about clinical research in the USA?
Can we ever trust public health again? https://t.co/zYfz78MGRI— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) November 3, 2021
And what’s worse, the CDC has been desperately trying to cover up the thousands of deaths that have happened as a result of taking the still experimental vaccine.
Another report from TeaParty.org reveals that the CDC got caught with their proverbial pants down as a brand new report released has revealed that the agency has been deleting thousands of deaths caused by the vaccine from their records.
“According to a report from Infowars, the CDC’s coronavirus vaccine adverse reaction tracking system, VAERS, mysteriously erased thousands of deaths last week, right as public knowledge of the vaccine-related deaths started to grow,” the report stated.
“A bunch of archived posts from the CDC website reveal that between the dates of December 14, 2020 and July 13, 2021, VAERS received a total of 6,079 reports of death among people who took the jab (screen shot here),” it continued.
“This same web page showed from December 14, 2020 to July 19, 2021, there were 12,313 deaths reported (screen shot here). That’s a massive increase of 6,234 deaths in six days. However, on July 21, which was just two days later, the website stated that the number of deaths that have been reported for individuals receiving the COVID vaccine was 6,207,” the report added.
“A whistleblower recently submitted a declaration under threat of perjury as part of a lawsuit, claiming VAERS underreports vaccine-related deaths by a factor of at least five,” the Infowars report goes on to say, adding, “If her calculations are correct, the real number of COVID vaccine-induced deaths is closer to 45,000.”
The document goes on to reveal that the anonymous insider made the claim that “on July 9, 2021, there were 9,048 deaths reported on VAERS. That’s a significantly larger number than what was reported on VAERS on July 12.
My good byes to my Baby Boy
— Ernest Ramirez (@rgvrunner01) September 14, 2021
Peter McCullough, MD pic.twitter.com/3IaKhEk8Gq
— Anna Brees (@BreesAnna) May 25, 2021
Again, the truth is finally coming out. The vaccine isn’t really as safe as we’re being led to believe it is. Please do your research before volunteering to be a lab rat for the progressives in government and in Big Pharma.
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