(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Mesa County, Colorado clerk Tina Peters knew that the Colorado Secretary of State was probably committing some kind of crime when she ordered that voting machines be cleaned of 2020 election results earlier in the year. So Peters decided to create a backup of the Mesa County voting machines.
According to The Gateway Pundit, this course of action essentially placed a target on her back.
Peters recently took an opportunity to share her story at an event put on by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell a few months back in South Dakota.
“Tina Peters had her office raided after she made the decision to not allow Democrat partisans to wipe clean the election data from her county’s machines. Tina Peters has received numerous death threats for saving the data. Democrat officials demand it be erased,” the report said.
During the presentation of her story, Tina Peters, along with her associate, gave props to the Gateway Pundit for helping to expose radical Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s donors, which included billionaire George Soros.
Another report from TGP goes into detail about the story Peters shared during the event.
“I was bringing people here from Colorado on my plane and why they were on the way here, their office was raided. Why was their office raided? There’s a lot of complications out of this — after what happened we don’t know what they did. It’s a scary situation. They are doing their job and all the sudden they take over with fear,” Lindell went on to say. “The red team is going to be doing stuff here. It will probably be Thursday,” he said. “I know the expectations were here but this is even bigger news — on the way here, her office was raided. I don’t even know the whole story. They were coming here to say quite a bit.”
“We have a secretary of state that is drunk with power. She makes emergency decrees and when we query her – she refuses to answer in violation of the state law,” Tina Peters told the crowd. “When I started having citizens come to me and tell me that something didn’t seem right in our local city elections from years ago to our 2020 election I said if there is a there we will do something about it. I am a Republican — I am a conservative and she’s not and she weaponizes her position to attack people who disagree with her.”
“I’ve been persecuted. They are trying to take over our election office. We are the last bastion of freedom in Colorado,” the Mesa County Clerk revealed. “We have listened to people. They send me things from all over and there are some discrepancies there that I cannot deny or unsee.”
The Mesa County, Colorado data was recently reviewed by Jeffrey O’Donnell, who is a database and systems analyst. There were quite a few issues uncovered during the course of the analysis:
1. The accurate final vote for Mesa County cannot be determined based on the review.
2. Persons unknown altered data from the election and at least 5,500 ballots were processed differently than the other ballots in the county making them ineligible.
3. For some unknown reason, new adjudication and tabulation databases were created for most of the ballots processed in the county. The 5,500 ballots were not included in this activity.
4. In the new databases, adjudicated cases decreased in half, from nearly 10% to near 5%. There was no explanation from the county for this significant decrease.
5. There is no way of confirming that the new database included the exact same results from the original database.
6. Log files were purged almost daily which is illegal since election files must be maintained for 22 months after the election.
7. There is evidence the election machines can connect to the server and evidence SQL was accessible to make material changes to the data in the files.
8. There is evidence the systems have not been backed up for years, which puts all the voting machines at risk.
The report clearly reveals that the results from this county cannot be relied upon. Which is a pretty big clue as to why the Colorado Secretary of State, who just happens to be backed by billionaire George Soros.
She knew these results were tampered with.
And the story is far from over.
On Tuesday, Peters’ home was raided by the thugs over at the FBI. Apparently, they’re now going after Tina for daring to take action and preserve the evidence of election fraud perpetrated in the state of Colorado.
Welcome to the new world order, folks.
FBI raids home of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters in election data breach investigation https://t.co/916RO1pZsJ via @eluning
— Colorado Politics (@colo_politics) November 17, 2021
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