(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Joe Biden should be sitting in a rocking chair at a nursing home somewhere instead of inside the White House pretending to run the United States of America.
It truly boggles the mind when you think about the fact that Biden is the most powerful man in the world and he has almost no mental ability left. His cognitive decline has rapidly advanced since he was on the campaign trail and things go from bad to worse daily.
Through it all, he has never lost his love and affinity for young children. Usually elderly people delight in the company of small children. It’s typically a precious interaction for both the elderly individual and child alike.
When Joe Biden interacts with small children, however, it’s a totally different experience. It’s uncomfortable, awkward and, at times, disturbing.
He’s not your typical grandfather figure. He seems to be weirdly over-the-top with the attention he gives to children and the touching, don’t even get us started.
He’s made a reputation for himself for being just a little (OK, a lot) too touchy and hands-on when it comes to children and women.
Over the years he has made dozens of women and children (as well as onlookers) cringe with the way he touches and talks to them.
Most children just stand and take it, unsure of what to do or how to get away, but one little girl has just shown the world how to successfully rebuff Joe Biden and stop him in his tracks.
The incident took place at the White House Rose Garden on Friday, during the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon ceremony.
The little girl, who is being held by her mother, appears to “karate block” Biden. Take a look:
ICYMI – A little girl “karate blocked” Biden at the national Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning. pic.twitter.com/oqIQ33dHll
— The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) November 21, 2021
Almost as soon as Biden attempted to touch the little girl, she picked her arm up in a karate-chop motion to block him in epic fashion.
“This kid has great ‘spidey’ senses,” wrote one Twitter user.
Unfortunately, not all children are this lucky when they encounter Uncle Joe. Footage from a bill signing event last week shows Biden stroking a young boy’s sweater, touching his face, and telling him to meet him afterwards so Biden can show him around the White House.
Biden chatting with a child during bill signing
“Meet me after this, I can show you around the White House.” pic.twitter.com/ZjDOacyI9H— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 18, 2021
How creepy and inappropriate. You have to wonder what is going through that little boy’s mind. Where are his parents?
Isn’t it about time for Biden to stop harassing young children and women? We think so but he’s had a long career at it and you know what they say, you can’t teach old dogs new tricks.
Biden will likely be a creepy old man till the end.
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