Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates said he is hopeful that the critical phase of the COVID-19 pandemic will end in 2022. ‘In a couple years, my hope is that the only time you will really have to think about the virus is when you get your joint COVID and flu vaccine every fall,’ he said.
Bill Gates has us blocked on Twitter, and that’s just fine with me because it is God that allows to fight and minister on the front lines of the end times, and we don’t need any man’s permission to preach and teach the gospel of the grace of God. That also goes for giving you the news of the day through the filter of your dusty, old King James Bible written in Olde English so archaic that’s it’s more up to date than tomorrow’s headlines. Better upgrade from that flimsy rubber sword of those damnable modern versions while you still can.
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (KJB)
So, OK, no surprise here with Bill Gates dropping another GatesNotes bomb preparing you to receive your COVID injections on a regular basis, combined with the flu shot, from now until, well, forever. But wasn’t this the plan all along? After all, Bill Gates is on record multiple times over the years saying that his dream is to bring ‘reproductive health choices and vaccinations’ to the whole world, right? Another way you would phrase that would be ‘abortions and jabs’, and that would be a lot closer to his intent.
Bill Gates thinks the ‘acute phase’ of COVID-19 pandemic will be over in 2022, despite the emergence of the Omicron variant
FROM BUSINESS INSIDER: “It might be foolish to make another prediction, but I think the acute phase of the pandemic will come to a close some time in 2022,” Gates wrote in a review of the year, published on his GatesNotes blog Tuesday. The billionaire said that the end of the pandemic isn’t as close as he had hoped because of the Delta variant and struggles with getting people fully vaccinated.
“Communities will still see occasional outbreaks, but new drugs will be available that could take care of most cases and hospitals will be able to handle the rest,” he wrote. “In a couple years, my hope is that the only time you will really have to think about the virus is when you get your joint COVID and flu vaccine every fall,” he said.
And while “there’s no question that the Omicron variant is concerning”, he said, the speed of detecting new variants, combined with developments in vaccines and antiviral drugs, led him to be hopeful that COVID-19 would become an endemic disease in 2022.
The other area where there is huge room for improvement is in finding ways to combat disinformation. As I mentioned, I thought demand for vaccines would be way higher than it has been in places like the United States. It’s clear that disinformation (including conspiracy theories that unfortunately involve me) is having a substantial impact on people’s willingness to get vaccinated. This is part of a larger trend toward distrust in institutions, and it’s one of the issues I’m most worried about heading into 2022.
His comments come as the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, also known as B.1.1.529, is spreading across the world. In his review, Gates said that vaccines and antivirals could help reduce the lethality of COVID-19 in the future. READ MORE
Bill Gates and CRISPR Sounds Like A Horror Movie
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The post Bill Gates Says To Get Ready For A Mandatory Combined Flu And COVID Vaccine Shot At Least Once Per Year As Only Way To Stop The Pandemic appeared first on Now The End Begins.