People in England may need three jabs to use controversial Covid passports for entry to large venues by January, the Health Secretary warned tonight.
It doesn’t take much intelligence to see that, regardless of whatever COVID variant pops up next, that the New World Order will not relent in their desire to make you receive the global government injection. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t stop you from getting COVID, which the shots do not, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t stop you from being hospitalized, which the shots do not, and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t stop you from dying from COVID, which the shots do not, either. You see, this is not about a virus, it’s about the vaccine.
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” 3 John 1:4 (KJB)
They tell us to “follow the science” but the funny thing is that actual science shows you that these rushed into production and hastily approved shots do more harm than good. Before we had COVID vaccines, the recovery rate was right around 98.8%, and after one full year of the vaccine that rate remains unchanged. But let me tell you something that has changed. The number of teens with heart problems has increased, the number of people with strokes and blood clots has increased, and dozens of young, pro-vaccine doctors have died after becoming vaccinated. Franklin Graham got jabbed and begged evangelicals to follow his lead, only to require emergency heart surgery after receiving the government injection. You know what science tells me? It tells me I have an immune system and a brain, and I will use both of those things to combat the COVID virus. I highly advise you do the same.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid said ‘fully-vaccinated’ status will change after ‘reasonable chance’ to get jabs
FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Sajid Javid told the Commons that people will only be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ once they have had their booster, and that three doses will be required for vaccine passports once all eligible adults in England have had ‘a reasonable chance’ to get the next jab. But he refused to clarify when these changes would come into force, as confusion mounts over whether the Prime Minister’s promise in Sunday’s TV address means everybody will have had their booster by December 31 or will just be offered a third dose by then.
In a massively ambitious move at the weekend, Boris Johnson brought forward the deadline to offer all over-18s a third jab by New Year’s Day as he warned the country: ‘There is a tidal wave of Omicron coming.’ But concerns about whether the Government could even hit the goal were raised almost immediately after Mr Johnson’s 8pm televised announcement last night. Even at the height of the NHS’s vaccine drive in March, the health service never managed more than 850,000 jabs a day.
Britons faced a five-hour queue for booster shots at St Thomas’ hospital in Westminster on Monday, after officials reportedly assigned only four staff members to rolling out the jabs. The hospital has said everyone in the queue will get a vaccine today.
There were reports of queues at vaccination centres dotted across the country, including in Kidlington, Belfast, Manchester and parts of London. Younger people were also turned away in the confusion as they tried to get booster jabs. Staff at the Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium allowed those in their 20s in while others were declined. Mr Javid’s extraordinary statement comes amid murmurings of a large Tory rebellion to Boris Johnson’s so-called ‘Plan B’ restrictions, which include the passports as well as orders to work from home and compulsory facemasks for further public spaces.
Under the new regulations, published barely 24 hours before tomorrow’s vote, people could be fined £10,000 if they try to falsify a Covid pass or test result.
The Health Secretary also pointed out that the incoming rules on Covid passes meant that from Wednesday people will need to show a negative lateral flow test to go to nightclubs or large events. Tories are particularly opposed to making NHS Covid passes, displaying vaccine status or a negative lateral flow result, mandatory for entry to large venues such as nightclubs.
The measures are expected to be approved with Labour’s support, but that would be a significant blow to Mr Johnson’s premiership, which has been rocked by a series of scandals. In the past week, his Government has been accused of throwing rule-breaking Christmas parties at Downing Street last year, while gatherings across the country were criminalised. Earlier, Mr Johnson said MPs thinking of rebelling against the measures needed to recognise there was ‘no room for complacency’ in dealing with the Omicron variant. Asked about support among his backbenchers ahead of tomorrow’s vote, the Prime Minister told broadcasters: ‘I think that what everybody needs to recognise is a couple of things, that Omicron is a very serious risk to public health, and that it’s spreading very fast, and I think there’s no room for complacency.’ READ MORE
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