(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – We all knew that it was only a matter of time before the COVID-19 vaccines started killing children once it was approved for use on 5-11-year-olds. A three-year-old in Argentina died on December 16, and now a report by the Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán, Argentina reveals that the justice system is intervening to determine the cause of her death.
“On Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 12:00 hours, a 3-year-old patient, in cardiorespiratory arrest, enters the Emergency Service of the Hospital of the Child Jesus. Advanced resuscitation maneuvers are carried out and, when [she] does not respond, [her] death is declared,” the Tucumán Ministry of Health said in a statement.
The 3-year-old child is Ámbar Suárez and just prior to her death she received one dose of the Sinopharm COVID-19 which is a product of China.
Now the police are investigating her death and an autopsy will be performed. This only seems appropriate considering the fact that healthy 3-year-olds should not suddenly go into cardiac arrest.
We’re living in the “new normal” now though.
“Considering the history of Covid vaccination, contact is initiated with relatives to gather the relevant information, evaluate other backgrounds, and proceed with the investigation of this unfortunate episode,” the official statement concluded.
While law enforcement investigates the girl’s death, her mother, Miriam Suárez, is certain it was the vaccine that killed her.
According to The COVID World, “Miriam Suárez said her daughter Ámbar was vaccinated last week on December 15th and passed away a day later from sudden cardiac arrest.”
The report went on to explain that the only reason the child received the vaccine was so that she could go to kindergarten as it is required to attend.
“Miriam told Argentine media that her 3-year-old had no symptoms immediately after the jab, but while playing with the neighbor’s kids the next morning, Ámbar fainted and was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Tucumán where she died from cardiac arrest,” the report further explained.
Miriam Suárez is devastated. She said, “I’m sure my daughter was killed by the vaccine. She was a healthy girl, full of life, without any health issues.”
The worst part about the whole thing is that had her daughter not got the vaccine and simply caught COVID, she would still be alive. As a matter of fact, her daughter likely already had COVID, like most people in the world at this point.
COVID was never a threat to this little girl but the vaccines were and they’re a threat to all other children around the globe. It’s up to parents to protect their children from these dangerous, ineffective shots.
If your children get banned from school because they aren’t vaccinated it’s sure a lot better than them ending up dead because of the shots.
The schools in the US, after all, seem to be far more concerned with children catching COVID-19 than they are about children going into cardiac arrest. An email (screenshot here) from a school district in New York was sent to parents informing them of a new regulation in which all the districts are making sure nurses and coaches are able to treat and monitor students who exhibit signs and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest.
San Francisco becomes the first jurisdiction in the world to mandate EUA vaccination for all 5-11 year olds.
In ~8 weeks, all children ages 5+ will be required to carry proof of full vaccination in order to dine in a restaurant with family, take swimming lessons, and more: pic.twitter.com/GRf2pBlp0r
— Genève CampbeII (@bergerbell) November 3, 2021
If a 5 year old develops “mild Myocarditis,” there is a 50/50 chance they won’t live to see their 15th birthday.
This is what we are doing to our CHILDREN, for political statement!
(Source: NIH) pic.twitter.com/vEyQhCzxQ3
— Dr. Gina – RAV (@RealAmVoice) (@RealDrGina) November 2, 2021
Superheroes come in all sizes
Watch as real kids express thanks to their superheroes; the 5-11 year old #Covid19 vaccine clinical trial volunteers. We’re incredibly grateful to the trial participants and their families
#ScienceWillWin pic.twitter.com/A3I0ERr4TV
— Pfizer Inc. (@pfizer) November 1, 2021
Kid’s reaction to approval of vaccine for 5-11 pic.twitter.com/lllESxgtdI
— LisaMontgomery
(@LisaMontgo) October 30, 2021
I don’t generally post my children on Twitter, but an important contrast to the Newsweek cover is my oldest’s response to hearing that the COVID vaccine is now recommended for ages 5-11. #ThisIsOurShot #GetVaxxed pic.twitter.com/P82G0rityS
— Santina Wheat,MD,MPH (she/her) (@tinawheat) November 3, 2021
My 8 yo is super excited to get vaccinated today! pic.twitter.com/9tF8aTUYXR
— Geoff Eaton (@geoff_eaton) November 3, 2021
It’s vaccination day!!!! Thank you, SCIENCE!!!
Our family of 5 is now just 5 weeks away from a fully vaccinated household and I’m so happy I DID cry!!! #COVIDVaccinepic.twitter.com/FetCe8h7Dc
— Sara (@momendeavors) November 3, 2021
Gael Coreas, 7, is one of the first kids in the 5-11 age category to get his COVID vaccine in DC today, and @MayorBowser joined for the occasion. He told me he’s excited to go to the movies now. pic.twitter.com/Nw4LuHj1yh
— Gabriella Borter (@gabriellaborter) November 3, 2021
Dr. Mary Jennings and her young friend are excited that 5 – 11 year old children are now eligible for the Pfizer COVID vaccine. InterMed patients can learn more about the vaccine at https://t.co/JCW6cv8TQk#COVIDVaccine pic.twitter.com/saGEOmjvIw
— InterMed, P.A. (@InterMedPA) November 4, 2021
The COVID-19 vaccine is now available for kids ages 5 –11. This is their shot! Vaccinating kids and teens against COVID will help them get safely back to the things that make them happy and healthy! pic.twitter.com/HcWS0koCAC
— AAP Colorado Chapter (@Colorado_AAP) November 3, 2021
New from me: Amid excitement about new Covid vaccines for 5 – 11 year-olds, researchers, doctors & pro-vaccine advocates are bracing for a kind of misinformation that they, frankly, fear. A flood of graphic anti-vaccine propaganda featuring young children. https://t.co/ciPRgOocgK
— Brandy Zadrozny (@BrandyZadrozny) November 3, 2021
Dr. Fauci and President Obama visited a vaccine clinic at Kimball Elementary School in SE. Here’s Obama greeting children waiting in line to get in pic.twitter.com/DhpbSFKdPN
— Debbie Truong (@debbietruong) November 30, 2021
Dr. Fauci and former presidents Barack Obama and Teddy Roosevelt made a surprise visit to Kimball Elementary to encourage folks to get vaxxed pic.twitter.com/02Mk5AgIg6
— Cleve R. Wootson Jr. (@CleveWootson) November 30, 2021
You really have to wonder why the hell any parent would agree to allow their children to be shot with these dangerous drugs.
President Biden on COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5-11: “For parents all over this country, this is a day of relief and celebration.” pic.twitter.com/BDvVZlpU5U
— CSPAN (@cspan) November 3, 2021
“Hospitals should hire nurses & other staff with natural immunity…They are the ones who are least likely to infect the residents. [Yet] we’re doing the opposite. They’re being fired.”
Deep-dive w/ Harvard epidemiologist @MartinKulldorff
WATCH: https://t.co/qZ3LrEqVgl pic.twitter.com/U4oXTr2Fhg
— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) October 26, 2021
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