WATCH: Dad Who Pranked Joe Biden With ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Speaks Out… Says Election ‘100% Stolen’

( Exclusive) – The man who fired the shot heard round the world on Christmas Eve joined Steve Bannon to discuss what it was like to say “Let’s Go Brandon” right to Joe Biden himself, the fall-out, and his political views.

It turns out Jared Schmeck is a Trump-supporting, conservative Christian who believes the 2020 election was “100% stolen” and is no supporter of the Biden regime and all of the horrible things they have put into motion since taking control.

Schmeck, a former Oregon police officer, explained to Bannon on Monday why he chose to proclaim “Let’s Go Brandon,” a phrase now synonymous with discontent for the Biden regime, on live global television.

“Once I realized it was on global television, I was pretty surprised, and I have to say I thought it was pretty darn funny. We had a really good laugh about it,” Schmeck recounted.

He then went on to explain what the “Let’s Go Brandon” chant means to him and said it’s a “very serious thing” despite it being said in a “joking manner.” He said for him it was his “chance to voice” his “disapproval of this man and his administration” and said he was “proud of it.”

Schmeck went on to say that the election was stolen and brought up the “debacle in Afghanistan” and the crushing inflation. He very thoroughly and eloquently summarized exactly what the “LGB” chant means for millions of frustrated, angry Americans.

“‘Let’s Go Brandon’ encompasses the entirety of our frustration with Joe Biden, the administration, the leftist mob, the cancel culture, the mainstream media – they’re the ones who made this a thing,” Schmeck said.

He’s absolutely right about that.

“As conservatives, we’re able to find humor in this, but there’s terrible things going on,” he continued. “We’ve got the debacle in Afghanistan…we’ve got supply chain issues, we’ve got the inflation rate, we’ve got terrible policies on abortion…the border crisis, the federal mandates regarding vaccines, I mean, there’s more than I could even say.”

He further went on to discuss how the mainstream media has attempted to portray him as anti-Trump but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“For me, it’s God first and foremost. I don’t follow any one man blindly,” he said. “Some of the media has run with that and said that I don’t support Donald Trump. That’s absolutely false. Donald Trump is my president, and he should still be my president right now. The election was 100 percent stolen. So I just want to make that clear.”

The cherry on top of the sundae was the fact that Schmeck actually got Joe Biden to say “Let’s Go Brandon” on Friday, though he didn’t even know it because the call was cut off as soon as he said the popular mantra.

The radical left worked quickly to dox Schmeck and within hours his phone began ringing off the hook, as often as “every 15 minutes” on Christmas. He also said he’s been receiving “vague” death threats as well as loads of support from all over the world.

Naturally, the unhinged left has demonized Schmeck as a right-wing extremist for daring to utter the words “Let’s Go Brandon” to Joe Biden despite the fact that they relentlessly and viciously attacked President Trump the entire time he was president.

All we can say is, “Let’s Go Brandon.”

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