An autonomous semitruck recently completed the world’s first driverless trip, which saw the vehicle travel 80 miles in Arizona without a safety person at the wheel or any human intervention.
Elon Musk may get the lion’s share of the headlines with his work on automating his Tesla electric vehicle, but he better watch out because other companies are beating him to the punch with seemingly better technology. A company called TuSimple just accomplished something that no other company has, the world’s first fully autonomous, driverless road trip of a an 18-wheeler all the way from Tucson to Phoenix in Arizona. What does this have to do with the Mark of the Beast? Glad you asked!
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
Imagine how great it will be when all vehicles are self-driving, and all you need to do is get inside and sit down. Once the system is perfected you can even take a nap or work on documents on your mobile device, what a blessing. Not so fast. Students of Bible prophecy will immediatly see this as what it is, another giant reach of the One World System to make you a further slave to the global operation. Think about it, any vehicle that is completely autonomous is also a vehicle that can decide to not allow you to get inside and take your journey. Just picture that federal mandates require you to take the COVID vaccine, you decline, and the government sends a message to your fully autonomous vehicle to deny you access. No jab, no journey, and since they control your vehicle, they decide when you can leave and where you can go. That’s what’s coming sooner rather than later. In the meantime, enjoy the ride!
No human was at the wheel or inside truck during its 80-mile journey
FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: The nighttime drive, which took place on December 22, started at a railyard in Tucson, traveled along 1-10 for one hour and 20 minutes and ended at a distribution center in Phoenix.
Along the journey, TuSimple’s Autonomous Driving System (ADS) successfully navigated surface streets, traffic signals, on-ramps, off-ramps, emergency lane vehicles, and highway lane changes in open traffic while naturally interacting with other motorists, according to the company. Cheng Lu, President, and CEO, TuSimple, said in a statement: ‘By achieving this momentous technical milestone, we demonstrated the advanced capabilities of TuSimple’s autonomous driving system and the commercial maturity of our testing process, prioritizing safety and collaboration every step of the way.
‘This test reinforces what we believe is our unique position at the forefront of autonomous trucking, delivering advanced driving technology at commercial scale.’
‘This year, we were laser-focused on putting our technology through a rigorous test on open public roads under real-world conditions, and to see all our hard work and dedication come together is extremely rewarding.’
TuSimple says that drivers represent about 40 percent of all trucking operational costs and that its virtual driver ‘can be operated for significantly less.’ The company also estimates that its technology saves about 10 percent on fuel-related costs compared to human-driven trucks. During the 80-mile journey, a lead vehicle scouted the route for unexpected obstacles about five miles ahead of the autonomous semi. Another vehicle trailed behind on-half miles that was prepared to intervene if necessary. TuSimple says it has 70 autonomous trucks globally and two million miles of road testing completed.
The truck uses the company’s own perception technology that allows it to see 360 degrees around the vehicle and more than 3,000 feet away. And its system is capable of performing 600 trillion operations per second. Over the last one and a half years, TuSimple has completed 1,800 runs that accumulate to 150,000 miles along I-10 in order to prepare for the truck’s lone journey earlier this month. And the company, plans to continue testing its driver-out program into 2022. READ MORE
World’s First “Driver Out” Fully Autonomous Semi-Truck Operating on Open Public Roads | TuSimple
On December 22nd, TuSimple made history by becoming the first to successfully test a fully autonomous semi-truck on open public roads without a human in the vehicle and without human intervention. The run took place the evening of December 22nd and required TuSimple’s upfitted autonomous semi-truck to begin its journey from a large railyard in Tucson, Arizona, and travel more than 80 miles on surface streets and highways, safely arriving at a high-volume distribution center in the Phoenix metro area. Along the journey, TuSimple’s Autonomous Driving System (ADS) successfully navigated surface streets, traffic signals, on-ramps, off-ramps, emergency lane vehicles, and highway lane changes in open traffic while naturally interacting with other motorists.
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
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