Not only is Schneider already the highest-earning female contestant on the game show, but she also holds the title of being the woman with the longest winning streaking, and now, she’s reached a new milestone: becoming one of only four players to reach seven figures in regular-season winnings. Why are you lying, Fox News? Amy is a man.
I very happily jumped off the Fox News media deception a number of years ago, the only thing I can still stomach on there is Tucker, and then only in isolation through YouTube segments. God help you if you are still getting your news from Fox because they aren’t giving you any. Fox News is so corrupt and devoid of either morals or intellect that they cannot discern between what constitutes a man and a woman. They are not the same, and one cannot become the other. ‘Amy’ Schneider was born a man and will spend the rest of his days as a man, albeit as ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’.
“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5:1,2 (KJB)
Just in case you didn’t know, transgenders have no intention of any kind of allowing society to refer to them as transgender for too much longer, not at all. The goal of the transgender agenda is to force you to accept them as whatever gender it is they are pretending to be, as if they actually were that gender. It is disingenuous and deceitful for any news organization, that is actually giving you truthful news, to go along with the charade that a man can become a woman, then calling him ‘her’ and ‘she’. Funny thing, Fox News is actually promoting the Biden agenda, that they pretend to be against, when they publish false and misleading stories about a woman who is actually a man.
‘Jeopardy!’ champ Amy Schneider hits $1 million, becomes first woman to land accolade, lies Fox News fake media.
FROM FOX NEWS: Amy Schneider has found herself at the No. 4 spot on the list after she collected $1.02 million in 28 victories. In addition to Schneider, Ken Jennings ($2.5 million), James Holzhauer ($2.46 million) and Matt Amodio ($1.52 million) are also on that list.
The game show contestant is also the first transgender person to qualify for the “Jeopardy!” tournament of champions.
Schneider is known for writing lengthy post-game threads.
Amy Schneider spoke to The Associated Press recently about her time on the show and the “pinch me” experiences she’s had.
“Just seeing myself on TV still is almost a shock, even though I was there when it all happened,” she told The Associated Press.
“I thought I could win some games, but I didn’t think I would do this well. The other day, my girlfriend mentioned some famous people that had gone to her high school, and I was thinking, ‘I know there was somebody who went to mine.’ I looked it up on Wikipedia and there I was, listed under notable alumni. That was a very weird moment to see that.” READ MORE
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The post Fox News Fake Headline Screams That Transgender Amy Schneider Is The ‘First Woman To Win $1 Million On ‘Jeopardy’ But Amy Is 100% Still A Man appeared first on Now The End Begins.