The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its sweeping vaccine-or-test requirements for large private companies, but allowed similar requirements to stand for medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid payments.
Well, consider this two steps up and one step back, the US Supreme Court today shot down the Biden vaccine mandates for private employers, but allowed it for health care workers at any and all medical facilities that take medicare and medicaid payments. So the big bullet was dodged for now, but score 1 for the enemy coming through the back door because there are over 17,000,000 health care workers that will be affected by the court’s ruling today. Though it’s not the win they wanted, that’s a pretty significant victory all the same.
“We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!” Jeremiah 8:15 (KJB)
The battle continues as world governments continue to wage war against their citizens, as Macron in France has called for unvaccinated French to be ‘dipped in excrement’ until they agree to receive the government injection. The only question is what will the people who control Joe Biden come up with now, because you know they’re not done, they have something up their sleeves. So praise the Lord and pass the ammunition…to the FIGHT!!!
Supreme Court blocks Biden Covid vaccine mandate for businesses, allows health-care worker rule
FROM CNBC: The rulings came three days after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s emergency measure started to take effect. That mandate required that workers at businesses with 100 or more employees must get vaccinated or submit a negative Covid test weekly to enter the workplace. It also required unvaccinated workers to wear masks indoors at work.
“Although Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers, it has not given that agency the power to regulate public health more broadly,” the court wrote in an unsigned opinion. “Requiring the vaccination of 84 million Americans, selected simply because they work for employers with more than 100 employees, certainly falls in the latter category,” the court wrote.
But in a separate, simultaneously released ruling on the administration’s vaccination rules for health-care workers, the court wrote, “We agree with the Government that the [Health and Human Services] Secretary’s rule falls within the authorities that Congress has conferred upon him.”
OSHA, which polices workplace safety for the Labor Department, issued the mandates under its emergency power established by Congress. OSHA can shortcut the normal rulemaking process, which can take years, if the Labor secretary determines a new workplace safety standard is necessary to protect workers from a grave danger.
The Biden administration argued before the high court Friday that the rules were necessary to address the “grave danger” posed by the Covid pandemic. Liberal justices, clearly sympathetic to the government’s position, highlighted the devastating death toll from the pandemic and the unprecedented wave of infection rolling across the nation due to the omicron variant.
But the court’s 6-3 conservative majority expressed deep skepticism about the federal government’s move.
Chief Justice John Roberts, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, said during arguments that he thinks it’s hard to argue that the 1970 law governing OSHA “gives free reign to the agencies to enact such broad regulation.” The vaccine-or-test rules faced a raft of lawsuits from 27 states with Republican attorneys general or governors, private businesses, religious groups and national industry groups such as the National Retail Federation, the American Trucking Associations and the National Federation of Independent Business.
The mandates were the most expansive use of power by the federal government to protect workers from Covid since the pandemic began. READ MORE
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