Democrats, the Anti-Party: They’re Against Much of What Has Made America Work

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 Surge Summary: There are lots of Democratic-supported policies and ideas which are destructive of America. Also grimly revealing, however, are those measures and priorities which are opposed by the Democratic party.

by Allan Erickson

We know what Democrats support: spending our money, taking more and more of our money each year, squandering our money, driving us into unmanageable debt, increasing the power of the federal government leading to tyranny, dismantling our rights with consistent attacks on the Constitution, funding terrorism, destroying economic freedom, crippling national security, censorship.

It’s as if they want America to fail so that China and Russia can run the show.

Equally instructive in evaluating Democrats, this list brought to you by the Anti-Party which is against:

>parents at school board meetings who express concerns about curriculum and masks;

>freedom of speech for anyone opposed to radical progressivism, anyone in support of the America First movement;

>reasonable control of the southern border;

>strong foreign policy, preferring The Bid Grovel;

>traditional morality defining right vs. wrong in matters civil or sexual;

>the right to life of the unborn, preferring a right to slaughter;

>racial reconciliation, preferring continuous race baiting to sow fear, suspicion and division;

>voter ID because allowing fraud helps them survive politically;

>the filibuster and the Electoral College as both encourage bipartisanship, both protect minority representation and both serve to limit fraud;

>the doctor/patient confidential relationship and patient rights, preferring federal mandates;

>fossil fuels, even if their discontinuance means global depression;

>*capitalism, a system that lifted billions of people out of poverty while communists herded millions of others into poverty;

>liberty, preferring conformity;

>God and our Judeo-Christian traditions.

Democrats are Anti-American. They are communists. They know no common courtesy, for domination through intimidation is their entire focus, endorsing any means to that end: lying, threatening, bullying, cancelling, censoring, persecuting, cheating.

How long will we put up with this nonsense?

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.

Originally posted here.

Image:  CC0 Public Domain;

Allan Erickson – Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012. 

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