NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared today: ‘We now have war in Europe on a scale and of a type we thought belonged to history.’
If you were waiting for a strong and confident response from the world’s lone superpower regarding what to do about Russia invading Ukraine, Joe Biden did not deliver that moment for you. In fact, his “speech” was terrifying, up to and including watching him walk away from the White House Press Corps after he became visibly confused and agitated. Biden says that sanctions are what’s going to win the day here, he might as well be waving a paper and saying “peace in our time”.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)
The Daily Mail UK writes today that “there’s the likely dementia-plagued US President Sleepy Joe Biden, who, at 79, barely managed to stutter and stumble his way through a scripted address about the crisis two nights ago. How are we meant to believe Biden can rally the western world behind a once-in-a-generation effort to stop a modern-day Hitler plunging Europe into a prolonged war, when his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal was proof the US has lost moral authority on the international stage?” Wow, talk about some good questions. Anyone have an answer for that? Likely not. So let me ask you another question. If the leader of the most-powerful nation on earth is not leading, who is?
REPORTER: “Is [Putin] threatening a nuclear strike?”
BIDEN: “I have no idea what he’s threatening.” pic.twitter.com/CkMngn1HHJ
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) February 24, 2022
Your King James Bible talks about all the nations of the world being simply a “drop of a bucket”, and I believe that to a very high degree this is what we are seeing now. You would think America would be firmly in charge, and yet we are not. It is Putin that is firmly in charge, calling all the shots, and defying the free world to keep up with him. Adolf Hitler did the very same thing back in 1933, and he almost went all the way. Is Putin now rewinding the clock and fulfilling what Hitler started? Sure looks like it. In the meantime, the leader of the the United States has literally no idea what’s going on, cannot answer even simple questions about Putin and Russia, and once again turned his back and walked away.
BIDEN, TODAY: “No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening.”
HARRIS, SUNDAY: “The purpose of the sanctions has always been and continues to be deterrence.” pic.twitter.com/gIhTmRpXJb
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 24, 2022
Now you know why Putin waited for Trump to be out of office. Biden truly looked out of touch, and maybe not even aware of the true magnitude of current events now underway.
Watch how Walkaway Joe Biden handled simple questions about Putin, Russia and sanctions
US President Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin bears full responsibility for attacking Ukraine and said Russia will face the consequences because of it
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The post Unable To Handle Simple Questions From The Press On Russian Sanctions Over Ukraine, ‘Walkaway Joe’ Biden Turns His Back To The American People appeared first on Now The End Begins.