The government of Iraq has completed a wall “a dozen kilometers long and 3.5 meters high” along the Syrian border in Nineveh province to keep Islamic State jihadis at bay.
Under President Trump, ISIS was reduced to nearly imperceptible levels of activity as Trump ordered actual bombing strikes on them as opposed to Obama’s empty warehouse attacks. Now a little more than a year into Biden’s term, ISIS and the Islamic State Jihadis are back in business, baby. The amazing thing is now the action is taking place near the biblical city of Nineveh where the prophet Jonah was sent to preach against. When things go back to where they began, you’re getting ready to wind it up.
“Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.” Jonah 1:2 (KJB)
You know what nations do when they want to keep out people detrimental to the well-being and security to that nation? They build a wall. Israel build a massive security wall around Gaza for just that reason, and right now in Ukraine, walls and borders are being put up to keep out the Russians wherever possible. So why, you may ask, are the Democrats who run America so against having walls for the security of America and its people? The only answer I can think of is that they don’t care about the security of the American people, which is why they allow hundreds of thousands of illegals every year to come in.
Iraq Builds Wall Along Syrian Border to Block Islamic State Jihadis
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Iraq plans to expand the wall to cover more of its 600-kilometer border with Syria. An Iraqi military source told AFP on Sunday the Nineveh barrier was just the “first stage” of wall construction, but did not specify how large the wall would eventually become.
According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the first stage of the wall was constructed opposite the town of al-Shaddadi in Syria’s Hasakeh province. ISIS fighters attacked the al-Sina prison in the Hasakeh region in late January, launching a bloody nine-day battle that included suicide bombs, a prison riot, hostage-taking, and summary executions.
Somewhere between 30 and 100 ISIS members escaped from the prison, including several “important leaders.” The escapees headed for the Syria-Iraq border, which hosts several active ISIS cells. Kurdish officials are nervous that ISIS might attempt a similar full-scale prison break at the massive al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria. Smaller skirmishes have broken out around the camp as recently as late February.
The first phase of the Iraqi border wall went up very quickly. The Iraqi military announced its construction less than four weeks ago, stating the concrete barrier would be erected between “existing fortifications,” with the Iraqi army stepping in to help the notoriously undermanned and under-equipped border guards. READ MORE
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