(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – When things don’t go the way the radical left wants them to, they just throw tantrums and go into meltdown mode. That’s exactly what’s been happening since the world learned that Elon Musk has been successful in his takeover of Twitter.
You didn’t hear leftists whining and crying over the last six years as they were the beneficiaries of political silencing and censorship on Twitter and other social media platforms. You didn’t hear them complaining about how social media giants were using their platforms to influence the 2020 election.
Nope. Not a peep from them.
Now, however, they’re downright indignant at the idea of Elon Musk using Twitter to silence political candidates and figures he doesn’t like.
They’re in an absolute panic over the thought of their ideas and opinions being suppressed on social media.
For the last six years, Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites have been suppressing and silencing conservatives routinely under the guise of fighting so-called “disinformation.”
We all remember when the New York Post reported on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell just days prior to the 2020 election. Their account was literally shut down for weeks and so were the accounts of political figures and those working in the Trump administration who dared to share the Post’s story.
Now, the very same mainstream media outlets who claimed the laptop story was all just “Russian disinformation” have been forced to admit the authenticity of the laptop but the left is still unwilling to look back and admit there was major political censorship that greatly impacted the 2020 election outcome.
A survey taken post-election found that had the left not fought so hard to suppress and silence that information, Joe Biden would have lost the election. There would have been no way for them to successfully rig it had Americans been able to freely consider the Post’s information.
Now the left is having an absolute meltdown at the thought of Twitter being used to influence politics and elections that don’t go their way. Could these clowns be any more transparent?
One particularly unhinged leftist experiencing a meltdown over the whole situation is MSNBC’s Ari Melber.
He whined, “If you own all of Twitter or Facebook or what have you, you don’t have to explain yourself, you don’t even have to be transparent, you could secretly ban one party’s candidate or all of its candidates, all of its nominees. Or you could just secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else and the rest of us might not even find out about it til after the election.”
Hm. You mean like how Twitter was doing that to conservatives long before they were owned by one person? There has been a whole board of people doing it, openly and without shame, for years.
Melber’s feigned indignance brought amusement to constitutional expert, commentator and law professor Jonathan Turley who said Melber’s comments “seemed almost a clinical (if not comical) example of transference. Melber warns that Elon Musk might actually use Twitter to ‘secretly ban’ or ‘turn down the reach’ of a political party or candidate.”
He continued, “That is apparently worse than Twitter openly banning candidates and suspending accounts of conservatives for years. Melber is warning the left that Twitter could be used against them . . . the way it has been used against their opponents.”
Turley noted that such a “secret ban” on conservatives is “precisely what Twitter has been doing without a whimper of objection from most pundits on the left.”
Turley added, “Melber actually warns that Musk might secretly ban political figures while warning that Donald Trump will have his ban lifted by Musk. While Trump said that he will not return to Twitter, Melber is worried that he could be allowed to tweet again.”
He pointed out the left’s glaring hypocrisy and double standard: “None of this was a threat to democracy when Twitter was suspending dozens of political figures and commentators, including the president of the United States. However, now it is dire as Musk threatens to restore free speech protections to the platform.”
During Melber’s rant, he complained that while there are regulations concerning the joint ownership of television or radio stations in a single market, there’s no rule against owning “ALL of Twitter,” Turley explained, “So media figures are calling for government regulation of media after the first major victory against corporate censorship. Musk may prove a fraud or he prove a champion of free speech. Yet, it is hard to see the downside given the massive censorship system now imposed across social media. There remain media figures who would prefer censorship to the outbreak of free speech.”
There’s a lot of media figures who would prefer to maintain the current heavy-handed censorship of conservatives than have free speech restored in America’s public square.
There is no evidence to suggest Musk has any intentions of silencing or censoring Democrats. All of these tantrums really amount to leftists being upset that there may soon come a day when they won’t be able to spew their radical ideas and opinions without opposition on Twitter any longer.
These people are deranged.
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