Those John:14 mansions that Jesus the Carpenter of Nazareth has been building for the last 2,000 years is New Jerusalem, that holy city that comes down from God out of Heaven
Have you ever watched any of those pet shows on channels like The Dodo where they talk about people adopting pets and bringing them to their new ‘forever home’? Your King James Bible talks about that as well, only it’s you who gets adopted, and your forever Home is a place called the New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is the mansions from John 14, that Jesus the carpenter of Nazareth, has been building for us for the past two thousand years. Born again believers in the Church Age are placed into the Body of Christ and we are the Bride of Christ.
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:1-3 (KJB)
“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:2 (KJB)
The forever Home of the Christian, Jew or Gentile, will be not Heaven but New Jerusalem, which comes down from God out of Heaven, it’s not in Heaven, and it will be the dwelling place for the Lamb’s wife, which is the redeemed Church. Please note the following about the Lamb’s wife:
- She is engaged to the Lord Jesus Christ: “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:2 (KJB). In the context of this passage, to whom is Paul speaking? He is speaking to the Church at Corinth that is made up of born again Christians.
- She makes herself ready for marriage: “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7 (KJB). Here we see the Body of Christ, the Church, having now gone through the Judgement Seat of Christ, all set and ready to be forever joined to her Beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- She is now taken to her forever Home: “And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.” Revelation 21:9 (KJB). So why is New Jerusalem referred to as a bride? Because that beautiful City is filled to overflowing with a blood-bought Bride, that’s why. The City is not the Bride, it houses the Bride.
Our apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 3:29 that if we are saved we are counted with faithful Abraham, who was not a Jew, and faithful Abraham did some things that all Christians ought to be doing. First, Hebrews 11:8 shows us that when God called him, Abraham followed not knowing exactly where God was leading him. That’s how all Christians should follow after God. Secondly, after Abraham got to following God, he lost his love for the things of this world, and started looking for an heavenly city, whose “builder and maker was God” in Hebrews 11:10. Where is that City? It is New Jerusalem, of course.
The Church is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, and the New Jerusalem where God will once again and for all eternity “dwell with man”. God’s glory will be forever made manifest in the thing for which He shed His own blood – the Church of Jesus Christ. When a man falls in love, he becomes engaged, gets married, and then takes her to live with him in her new home. This three-step process is clearly seen in scripture in relation to Jesus and His Bride, which is the Church.
“Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church:” Colossians 1:24 (KJB)
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
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