In Order To Better Protect Against COVID, Starbucks Announces They Will Be Going Cashless From Now On With Contactless Mobile App & QR Codes For Payment

Starbucks has been growing one of the more powerful contactless payment services in the industry. And now it’s planning to go cashless to keep employees and customers safe in the wake of the COVID coronavirus outbreak.

Back in the 1990’s, there was a feverish excitement among prophecy watchers regarding the coming cashless society that everyone was talking about, certainly we were in the last days. We were close, but not quite there yet. But here on Day 896 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, we are there, and stuff is happening everywhere you look. Do you know that Bill Gates and his father are the ones who made Starbucks possible?

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJB)

Not only is the world right now preparing to go cashless, by this point it is both overdue and expected. We showed you last week the man who had the microchip key to his Tesla imbedded into the back of his right hand, all proud of himself and acting like it was the greatest thing in the world to do. Like we have always said, by the time the Son of Perdition takes the stage, people will be begging to take his Mark. Look around you, they already are.

Starbucks Is Going Cashless to Protect Customers and Staff From COVID, Why we can all expect more contactless payment experiences soon.

FROM INC: In a letter to Starbucks employees and customers this week, CEO Kevin Johnson said Starbucks is planning to expand the number of cash-less options available to customers.

“We will also shift toward more cashless experiences, knowing that the handling of cash creates consumer concerns about the spread of viruses,” Johnson said. “We predict the mobile app will become the dominant form of payment.”

The news came alongside Johnson’s announcement that Starbucks plans to reopen 85 percent of its cafes across the U.S. by the end of this week. It also highlights how important Starbucks’ contactless payment service has become.

Competing with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and others, Starbucks has its own contactless service, allowing users to load cash onto their accounts and pay with a bar code scanned by Starbucks employees. It’s one of the fastest-growing contactless apps in the industry and now has 20 million users — far more than many competitors.

While Starbucks has always encouraged customers to use the app for rewards and other perks, it could take on a new importance now. Starbucks, like other companies, is cognizant that customers may worry about using cash and the possibility of spreading coronavirus from it. With its contactless app, Starbucks can sidestep those concerns and make customers (and employees) feel more comfortable.

It’s a lesson other businesses may want to pay attention to as parts of the U.S. reopen. From retailers to cafes to restaurants, limiting the exchange of cash may be the best move. And accepting contactless payment options like Apple Pay and others could go a long way toward protecting customers. Of course, for small businesses, there’s a cost associated with upgrading payment systems to contactless support. And at a time when coronavirus is negatively impacting businesses, that cost may be too much of a burden for some.

Either way, Starbucks is making one thing abundantly clear: Cash is dying. And companies need to be ready for that death sooner than later. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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