Long Game: Chi-Coms Counting on a Demoralized America’s Collapsing Before Them

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Surge Summary: The American populace is woefully ill-prepared to prevail against a Chinese Communist nation which is locked into a one-hundred-year conflict with the United States. The Chi-Coms are counting on America’s dismal condition to lead to U.S. defeat and Chinese victory in the long run.

by Allan Erickson 

The woke, demoralized, all-volunteer force, is having trouble recruiting people. Apparently, a lot of young people don’t see the need for service or they don’t feel the country is worth defending. Perhaps they’ve become so addicted to video games and junk food, there’s no interest in patriotism, excellence, or taking risks in the real world.

The military is so influenced by woke ideology it has become a laughingstock around the world. High heels in combat don’t exactly instill fear in our enemies. Pitting U.S. soldiers against one another is no winning strategy.

Readiness has become meaningless. After all, a soldier doesn’t need to be physically fit to get vaporized.

Meanwhile, the Chinese are expanding all over the place. Mao declared war against the U.S. in 1949. He declared a 100-year war against the West. The goal: world domination. The timeline: 2049.

Today, Chinese authorities (CCP, PLA) see the U.S. as the greatest nuclear threat. They consider Americans to be fat, lazy, and ignorant, barbarians if you will. Once we were through making China a superpower, just a few years ago, the tone shifted radically. China once viewed the U.S. as a quasi-ally against the Soviets. But after many years of China stealing from the U.S. everything not bolted down, the CCP has become Russia-friendly.

And the PLA is the largest in the world.

The 100 year war rages on every front while Americans slumber, getting excited about a balloon for a couple days until the next satanic sensation comes along. Another chilling reality, our government is largely populated by anti-American operatives sympathetic to the Chinese worldview.

In the end, historians may conclude the most lethal weapon we face is demoralization, the tried and true method of conquest used by the Soviets throughout the Cold War.

A demoralized military led by a demoralized command structure defending a demoralized populace isn’t that hard to defeat, especially when they surrender.

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.

Originally posted @ Clashdaily.com.

Image: Adapted from:  Mil.ru, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=69874382

Allan Erickson – Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012. 

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